A New Form of Millennial Education

There are an infinite amount of reasons why I use social media: to show my friends and family where I am, what I’m doing, and what I’m thinking about, to express my beliefs and opinions and stay in touch with the interesting things that my community has to say. Sure all of these things are great, but in the end I use social media to keep myself informed and educated about what is going on in the world around me.

The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election is a perfect example. As a 21 year old college student taking 6 classes, attending sorority events, keeping up with extracurriculars, and trying desperately to maintain a “normal” social life, I hardly have time to sit down with a cup of coffee and a newspaper to figure out what the heck Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are talking about each day. Instead, I follow them both on social media along with numerous other news outlets so on my way to class I can scroll through my feed and understand what the buzz is.

Despite studies and other opinions, I think that the information you find on these social media sites is worthwhile and informative. The fact that presidential candidates are able to release their platforms on their personal accounts allows them to connect with the American people on a more personal level. In turn, voters are able to make a more educated vote based on their personal beliefs. So instead of picking up that newspaper or watching the news on TV, I turn to social media.

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