My Talents, In Ten Tweets

After a semester spent in #NHsmc, not only has my knowledge base of Twitter and social media as a whole grown, but my following has grown as well. I started the semester with 14 Twitter followers. Now, 15 some odd weeks later I have 66 Twitter followers – that’s roughly a 288% increase. With this […]

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#GlobalWarming: Hoax or Horror?

The presence of global warming in our world was not only recognized as a highly debated issue throughout our last election, but each and every day people argue on the truth behind this matter. Some do all they can to save our planet and stop global warming from occuring, while others don’t believe that this is a legitimate […]

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It’s a Doggy Dog Viral World

Objective Evoke conversation about Snapchat vs Instagram stories even more Provide comic relief for a continually debated issue within social media community and beyond Create a piece of content that has the qualities to go viral   It’s a Doggy Dog World It’s a doggy dog world out there 🐶 #socialmedia #StoryFury #NHsmc — […]

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