Heartbreak or Distaste: Reaction to #GirlsHBO Series’ Finale (Spoilers Ahead)

Last week, the HBO series Girls concluded its sixth and finale season to many mixed reviews. The series has won critics’ and audiences’ applause for its raw nature and humor in its realistic portrayal of New York women and their relationships. #GirlsHBO maintained trending status on Twitter throughout the weekend, showing audiences’ anxiety for the […]

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#FAIL: Why Meme Campaigns Flop

Objective(s) 500 views, 2000 reputation points on Imgur (didn’t achieve) 50 likes, 2 shares, 5 comments on Facebook (didn’t achieve) 150 likes, 5 comments on Instagram (didn’t achieve) Earn 3 new followers on Instagram (achieved) Earn 5 new followers on Twitter (didn’t achieve) Imgur Meme But like can you not Twitter Webcard Tweet #13ReasonsWhy is […]

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Facebook Saved My Friendships

Despite my frequent usage of social media, my trends differ from the norm. I don’t stalk Drake, I never found fame, and I don’t bring myself to start connections virtually. I grew up in an international environment that where excluded politics and social issues from conversation, and where interest-based niche groups didn’t exist. Social media never […]

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