Brexit 2.0: The #CalExit

Following the controversial 2016 Election, some citizens of blue California have called for the state to secede from the United States. The hashtag #CalExit has been the foundation of a huge debate on whether the 6th largest economy in the world should try to become their own state or even join Canada. On one side, Californians […]

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What exactly is a coxswain?

Most people know what rowing is, but not necessarily what it’s all about. Furthermore, most people know what rowers do, but don’t know what a coxswain does. I’ve been a coxswain for 7 years now, and I can’t even count how many times I’ve tried to explain my role on the team. Here’s a little […]

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Social ME-dia

Social media is a major source of connection in my life. “Staying connected” is such a cliché way to put it, but when I really think about how I use social media, there are very few aspects in my life where it is not involved. There have been a few times that I have considered “disconnecting” […]

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