Blog Post 1

If I’m being honest, when I first thought about the affect that social media has had on me, I tend to think negatively. I do think that in a lot of ways, social media has made many people, myself included, more ignorant to our physical environments, antisocial in nature, and grammatically challenged. However, when I think of all the amazing things that can be done with the help of a social medium, they tend to outweigh those negative effects.

Social media has made me more informed. Through platforms like Twitter and Facebook, I believe that I am more knowledgeable than ever about current events simply because whenever something big happens, people tend to talk about it via social platforms. For someone like me, who has never been a fan of watching the news, social media has made staying in the loop when it comes to things like politics, US and world news, a multitude of different opinions, and even celebrity gossip virtually effortless.

Seeing amazing things like this on a daily basis is pretty cool too.

Most importantly, social media has allowed me to become more connected. Whether it’s always knowing the date of someone’s birthday, being able to see pictures of my roommate’s journey around Italy, or laughing at a hilarious meme with thousands of other people from all around the world…

there is something special about the ability to communicate with someone I would never have had the opportunity to do so with in real life.

So even though it can sometimes be a love-hate relationship, I have a hard time imagining the world, and my life, without social media.

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