Blog Post 3


Considering Facebook is  one of the most popular social media platforms in todays society, the #FacebookDataBreach is an extremely controversial and popular subject taking place in today’s media.

Mark Zuckerberg (the CEO and creator of Facebook)  is under investigation for privacy rights of the social media platform he created and many people have mixed reviews on his character throughout the hearing.

@Marssa_PCash sided with the unpopular opinion, and tweeted that we should’ve always been aware that whatever we post on the internet can potentially get leaked onto other platforms.

Other’s such as @doofface99, called Zuckerberg a robot for how he was responding to questions during the hearing, as well as his force facial expressions.

Some people, such as @kirchbabe, believe he shouldn’t even be running the company, and the only reason that he is is because he founded the company.

In this tweet, @GIJoeOPS explains that the #FacebookDataBreach was no mistake and Zuckerberg does not care about data privacy. He instead cares about maintaing his “empire” by selling other peoples information.

Others, such as @KatjaGlieson blame congress for thinking something like this wouldn’t happen considering the reason the platform was created.

Some even are comparing social media to surveillance companies that are being rebranded as social media.




2 thoughts on “Blog Post 3

  1. I wouldn’t lead with saying the topic is controversial, I’d let the audience get the feel from your post by themselves. I really like the timeliness of the topic. It was interesting to hear how strongly people feel about the other side of the opinion. Good media usage.

  2. I think it is unfair to put Zuckerberg in such a negative light. Yes, data may have been used to track users, but that is not the purpose of the applications Zuckerberg and his team sought after when created Facebook and purchasing all of the smaller companies his team has. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, his three most-prominent applications, are all used world-wide for a great purpose, binding people together and helping them grow friendships/relationships. Data collection just comes with being on millions/billions of devices globally. I do not believe he intended any harm, it just came with data collection.

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