Bostonians Say What Now?

5 thoughts on “Bostonians Say What Now?

  1. Jennifer,
    thanks for your video – now I’m prepared for any future trip to Boston. And it’s interesting because I come from a part in Germany where I’m dealing with exactly the same problems as you: confusion, fun, correction… I know that all! Good to see that I’m not alone.

  2. Hi Jennifer –
    I really enjoyed watching your video. I am from Boston as well and when I’m in Syracuse, I miss hearing the familiar Boston “lingo” that I here so often at home! I had to laugh when you talked about the sprinkles vs. jimmies comment!! No one else understands – us Bostonians clearly speak our own language!!
    Great job!

  3. As someone who sometimes gets weird looks for my Long Island (or “Lawng Guyland” as some people back home call it) accent, I love hearing about other linguistic quirks from other places! I really liked how you incorporated still photos into your video to illustrate how the different terms you mentioned are used. Great video!

  4. This was a high-quality, humorous video. I have had the same experience; I am from Long Island, NY and people claim I say things weirdly and wrong. I wish I would have thought to do a video like yours!

  5. This is a great and informative video on where you’re from and the confusions that come with a Boston accent. Being from Boston originally, this hits close to home, and I really enjoyed the visuals of your video. It was interesting and kept me engaged.

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