Campaign Analysis

During the marketing planning portion of my viral content challenge, I listed a bunch of objective for myself:

  • At least 35 engagements on my Twitter webcard
  • At least 8 shares of the meme on different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, but the primary goal is for Twitter (retweet)
  • At least 3 likes on every tweet related to the webcard/meme
  • Meme reaches at least 100 views on Imgur

Poor Freshmen…

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My first objective was to gain at least 35 engagements on my webcard. Unfortunately, I only received 9. I think the reason behind this was the content of the meme. I compared the impressions and engagements I got on other Tweets during the same time as my campaign, and they were exceptionally higher. Even though I thought that I promoted it well with hashtags, I think people just didn’t find it as interesting as I had hoped. However, on all the tweets I tweeted about the meme, I got a total of 27 engagements.


Considering my Twitter engagements were low, my webcard received 0 retweets. However, I did receive 4 shares on Facebook. I think the reason behind this is my Facebook followers versus my Twitter followers. The audience my meme was directed towards was a very small group of people; students studying in the Northeast and students studying in Syracuse. I definitely have more friends belonging to that group on Facebook than on Twitter, which is why they were able to relate to it more.


Unfortunately, I only got 2 likes in total. I believe the reason behind this is the same reason why I didn’t get any shares. Sometimes, when you’re scrolling through social media platforms, especially Twitter, you throw out a like here and there, because it’s effortless. People usually retweet something when it really resonates with them, whereas a like is not as important.


Luckily, I received 405 views on Imgur, which exceeded my expectations. I think Imgur is an easier platform to receive attention on. It is set to public and the tags allow for more people to view things you post. It makes sense that I received more views on Imgur than any other social media platform. Gowever, I still believe the content of my meme was not something extremely relatable, which is why my overall goals were not fully met.


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