How to Increase Your Influence on Twitter: Tweet about The Good Place

Part 1: Influence

For this assignment, I created a new Twitter account so I wouldn’t spam my followers on my professional Twitter account. This means I started with zero followers. I currently have 33 followers, which means my follower growth is 100%.

There are several techniques that worked and didn’t work to get engagement on my tweets. I think adding more hashtags and adding other people’s twitter handles definitely helped with impressions and engagement. Also, asking users to post pictures of their dogs is a great way to get engagement. As for what did not work with my tweets, I think Twitter and Instagram users got annoyed of me posting pictures of my dog all the time. Also, it’s better if you post relatable content. I think a lot of my Top 10 posts were, in fact, relatable. However, a Follow Friday post about Young Adult authors that none of your followers know, is not relatable content. Another thing that did not work is tweeting at people who have a lot of followers and are really famous on Twitter. They have a lot of influence, and since you don’t, they are most likely not going to tweet back at you. Try tweeting more at micro-influencers who have 10,000 followers or less.

In addition, 3 of my Top 10 posts were about The Good Place. So, if you learn anything from looking at this blog post, definitely tweet about The Good Place if you want to increase your influence on Twitter.

Part 2: Execution

My Top 10 posts for the semester:


This post got 313 impressions, 27 engagements, 7 likes and 1 retweet. I think including the The Good Place handle and hashtag helped boost impressions for this post. This can be seen through the engagements because some of the likes and the retweet are from accounts that like and watch The Good Place. I think this GIF is an accurate reaction to the text itself, which also helped with engagement.


At the start of this class, I did not want to create a new Twitter account. I decided to start another Twitter account after the first class assignment. This is why this post is on my other Twitter account. My other Twitter account has 59 followers, so a little more than the Twitter account I used for this class. This tweet recieved 390 impressions, 28 Engagements and 4 likes. I definitely think including the Professor’s handle in the tweet boosted impressions. I do think I could have added more hashtags to this tweet for things like vine, hiking or dogs and maybe included the Twitter handle for Netflix.


I got 396 Impressions, 13 engagements, and 1 retweet for this tweet. This tweet didn’t actually get a lot of impressions at the time I posted it (it had maybe 80), but a week later the Twitter account @BeWellSU retweeted it. This account promotes health and wellness at Syracuse University, so they have some influence at this campus. For this tweet, I just tweeted out the moment I created with the title of the moment as the text for the tweet. I think I could have wrote something to do with my moment instead of re-writing the title in the tweet. I also could have added motivational hashtags.


This tweet got 437 impressions, 35 engagements, and 2 replies. I tagged one of our classmates in the tweet, Annie, asking her about her dogs. I also included a cute photo of my dog to increase engagement a little bit. Annie replied with photos of her dogs and started a little thread of dogs of people in our class. Only one other person replied in with their dogs, but this post did get decent engagement. The one mistake I made with this post was putting Annie’s handle to begin the tweet, because it registered this tweet as a reply instead of an individual tweet. That maybe affected the engagement a little bit.


This tweet was actually my promoted tweet for the Viral Content Challenge. It recieved 651 impressions, 8 engagements and 1 like. This includes organic as well as promoted impressions. I included #TheGoodPlace, as well as the link to my meme. I think this post slightly increased the views on my meme. I also think appealing to fans of The Good Place was a good strategy when promoting this tweet.


For this post I got 769 Impressions, 17 engagements, 2 likes and 1 retweet. I was surprised at how many impressions this got because I was live tweeting the Periscope challenge, so I didn’t plan out this tweet. I think including the hashtag for Periscope increased the impressions a little bit. I think I could have improved this post by maybe including more hashtags, like #FacePaint.


Out of all my Instagram posts for this class, this one got the most engagement, First off, I did not create a new Insta for class, but used my main one. I have about 156 Instagram followers. With 38 likes, this is the third most liked post out of all my posts. My posts do not usually get this much engagement (they usually get between 20 and 30 likes), but by adding the Ottothon hashtags and tagging the location as Syracuse University, I was able to get more likes than usual. The content was also different than what I usually post (I usually post about my dog) and that also may have helped with engagement.


This is my one tweet in my Top 10 that was not a class assignment. However, this tweet still has to do with class because this is Professor Grygiel’s dog, Nevada. This tweet received 558 impressions, 100 engagements, 1 retweet, and 1 reply. I think I got this many impressions and this much engagement because everyone in class loves dogs (I hope) and none of us had met their dog yet. I also included Prof. Grygiel’s Twitter handle in the tweet, which helped with some of the engagement. I could have improved this tweet by maybe including the hashtag for pupper.


I wrote this tweet to emulate an earlier tweet (also in this Top 10) where Annie started a little thread of dogs of the people in our class. This post received 693 impressions, 52 engagements, 5 likes, and 5 replies. I replied with a photo of my dog, Professor Grygiel replied with their dog and some other people from class added their dogs to the thread as well. I added the hashtag puppers to this tweet which could have helped with engagement. I could’ve improved this post by adding more hashtags about dogs.


This was my top tweet for the semester and the one I am most proud of. This tweet was actually part of an assignment where I had to create a piece of “stock” content to tweet now and then schedule the same tweet in TweetDeck to be posted a month later. The first tweet only had 171 impressions and 1 engagement. This tweet automatically posted a month later and the the person who runs The Good Place podcast and is an actor on The Good Place, Marc Evan Jackson, retweeted it. That is why it got so many impressions and engagements. This tweet received 6,835 impressions, 158 engagements, 3 retweets, and 3 replies. I used #TheGoodPlace, which is how Jackson most likely saw my tweet. I also included the link to stream the podcast and a GIF from the show, which also definitely helped with engagement. I am just so proud of this tweet and I hope to reach this level of engagement again one day.

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