If It’s Ellen DeGeneres, It’s Trending

Our group has chosen AdWeek as our news outlet. AdWeek is an advertising trade publication that covers national industry news, prominent industry professionals,  technology, brands on the rise, and social/pop culture.

In order to find our trending topic from AdWeek, we went into CrowdTangle and put in the search criteria for the specific date range. Throughout this week,  the highest spike came on October 15th with 935 total interactions.

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This spike in engagement was from Ellen DeGeneres being on the cover of AdWeek’s “The Hot List” and how she created a media empire as a “Media Visionary.” The top tweet on CrowdTangle was from AdWeek announcing the story with a corresponding link to the article.

In order to find Tweets about this trending topic, we used the following search Boolean in Twitter Advanced Search:

“Ellen DeGeneres” AND “Adweek” AND @TheEllenShow -Oscars

By using AND in between all three search terms we ensured that the the results would specifically include her relationship with this publication. Additionally, we knew there was a lot of buzz surrounding the hosting of the Oscars, so we wanted to make sure any mention of that was left out.

In TweetDeck, using the same search Boolean plus setting engagement criteria to >5 for retweets, we found the following Tweet written by the SVP of Programming and reweeted by AdWeek:

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With 116 total interactions, we believe this tweet was this popular based on the use #EllenDegeneres and #HotList. Ellen is a very prominent Twitter user and her hashtag alone gets significant engagement. Anyone that would search based on this hashtag alone would most likely encounter this tweet about her AdWeek cover.

Here is the TweetDeck Widget that let us to the above Tweet:

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One major insight from this Tweet is that engagement with Twitter posts can be amplified through the integration of both hashtags and mentions. In this tweet, the author not only used the @AdWeek and @TheEllenShow handles, but also #EllenDeGeneres and #HotList to attract audiences that might engage with either Ellen or AdWeek separately.


Kaelyn Harris-Vincent, Emily Feller, Remy Boyer, Nicole Pollak, Jeff Gordon

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