I’m a nasty girl #WomensMarch

We chose the hashtag #WomensMarch which had 12,017,305 Twitter results. First, we ran a search for all different ways the Women’s March on Washington was talked about in January to find the most popular hashtag.

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As you can see from the chart above, the two most popular trending topics during the month of January 2017 were #pelositownhall and #womensmarch. We chose to do a subsequent search on #womensmarch.

Latest activity

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The line graph above shows that even though the interest has decreased since the march was held, it is still something that is being mentioned.


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As you can see on the map above, most of the results came from the United States, but a large amount also came from Europe and South America. It shows that the Women’s March is really a global phenomenon.

The gender distribution clearly shows that the hashtag is most popular among female users but it still has a generally high use by male users.

Word Cloud

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As you can see on the word cloud, it clearly shows that a lot of links where shared under the hashtag. People were definitely trying to share more information than they could fit into 140 characters.


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The Buzz Graph above shows other words connected to the conversation surrounding the women’s march. It makes sense that many of these are related to politics because the march took place the day after the inauguration, and many people chose to march for political reasons.

Most retweeted tweet

Nick Offerman’s tweet was the most retweeted using the hashtag “womensmarch”. When looking further into it, it shows that 52.4% of the retweets came from the U.S. and 63% were female.

Team: Sarah Winther Petersen, Madeleina Schwantes, Georgia Velkes, Victoria Razzi, Wenqian Zhu

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