Kanye Sprints Out of Washington


The main goal of the campaign was to achieve at least 500 views on the meme on Imgur. Secondary goals included getting at least 5 favorites on my promoted tweet. I also wanted to get 5 hearts on my GroupMe post.



Kanye Sprinting Out of Washington




Twitter WebCard Engagement


I received a lot more engagement on Imgur as I beat my estimation for both views and comments. For this reason I think the meme itself was successful and would not change much besides possibly responding to more comments. I think the source of this success was because as mentioned in my marketing plan I chose a topic that was moderately controversial and very well known so it attracted attention and some arguments in the comment section. However, where I lacked most was with my campaign itself and how the meme was promoted.  One area where I could have improved is if I utilized reddit. In talking to other classmates and doing more research into where most people view memes I found that a lot of people start on reddit and are then redirected to other sites like Imgur. So, if I were to run the campaign again I would look into posting a photo and link of the meme to subreddits like r/funny or r/memes. I also chose to do all of my social media promotion on my class accounts. These have the lowest number of followers which mean the meme did not get as many organic views. If I were to do it again I would use my actual Instagram and Facebook where I think I have the most loyal following.


Final Engagement

Imgur: 1,202 Views

Twitter: 1 Likes

GroupMe: 8 Hearts

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