Katie Intner’s Viral Video Challenge

For my viral video challenge, I took an article I read on Buzzfeed.com and transformed it into a quick 41 second video. When I read the article, I immediately loved it because I could easily relate to it as a girl. Making this video, I realized other girls can easily relate to this video like I did. My goal was to make a short video in a meme format so that other people would tag their friends. At first, my video clips were too long and I shorted them so I could add more scenarios.

The meme format makes the video eye-catching. In the beginning, I only had the title at the top of the video. After revising my video, I added the “tag a girl who can relate” text at the bottom. This promoted a Facebook friend of mine to tag a friend of hers, thus completing my initial goal.

The addition of the “tagging” at the bottom worked well with my video. Next time I would vary the shots used in the video. Embedding the video directly to my Facebook page was more effective than posting the link to Youtube, which is what I did at first. I think varying the shots could keep the viewer more engaged while watching the video.

Youtube link: 

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