My Growth Through The Semester

Well the time is here and it is time to analyze my twitter growth. I started the semester with 293 followers and ended with 374. This was a 28% increase with a total of 81 new twitter followers. My Klout score also increased from 39 to 44 during this time.

There are many moving variables that went into growing my influence. I think that I was tweeting more frequently with unique information and content that was exclusive to what I do. I posted more media that I created. This coupled with Syracuse making the Final Four; my presence lasted longer than it could have during this time period. I also engaged more with individuals in my industry and followed more lists of people who I should know. Ultimately, I just utilized my account more. My profile visits skyrocketed during this class, rising from a low of 49 in July of 2015 to a high of 1,541 in March of 2016. My impressions also quadrupled. I had just under 5,000 impressions in January and in March I had a total of 28,000. This is a drastic leap in just a few months in my opinion. There was also a steady increase in new followers from January through April.

Looking at the analytics the timeliness of events really drives tweets. I have noticed a decline in mentions and tweet impressions in the recent weeks. This could be due to the fact I am tweeting less than the last month, but I think it is due to the fact that basketball season is over. Many of my tweets were pertaining to some sort of Syracuse sport. Lacrosse isn’t as wide reaching as basketball and football so I think that is a critical factor in what might not be working for my social media presence. In other words I need to potentially diversify what I post.


Top 10 Tweets 


This tweet was posted as a response to Mary Lee the Shark. The account post updates about a shark in the Atlantic Ocean and this tweet was responding to a new location the shark was at. I included this meme because it is from a recognizable character and a funny scene. Including media typically helps the tweet in terms of engagements. It was retweeted by the account which has 23K followers and went from there. The tweet gained 7,000 impressions and 170 engagements with an engagement rate of 2.4%.



This tweet was in response to a tweet conversation between two individuals. It occurred during one of the Democratic debates so timeliness was critical here. I included a link to an article that contradicted someone saying Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a shady record because she wasn’t in office. However, the article shared said otherwise and was retweeted by Lisa Vikingstad who has 23K followers. Again, the tweet blew up quickly and gained 3,401 impressions and 414 engagements with an engagement rate of 12.2%. I also included a poll which gained 285 votes. This poll was an easy way for people to engage with the tweet as it passed by. The use of hashtags also helped put this tweet in front of people who were engaged with the debate.




This tweet was posted after the Syracuse Men’s Basketball team lost to Pittsburgh in the ACC Tournament first round. It was an emotional game and one that I thought had the potential to make an interesting comparison to the beginning of the ACC season. Trevor Cooney was featured on both covers of The Daily Orange and both were with drastically opposite emotions. I thought these showed the wild ride that the team had been on. It could have foreshadowed their incredible run to the final four, something that fit perfectly with this season. The use of media was critical for this tweet. The use of hashtags put the tweet in front of Syracuse fans and it was retweeted by a few people of the local media. The tweet gained 3,231 impressions and 251 engagements for an engagement rate of 7.8%.



This tweet was posted after Syracuse had just beat Virginia Tech in overtime.It was a close game and full of emotion. I posted photos that I captured during the game. The use of media was important for this tweet to gain any traction. First they were unique photos that I created and secondly they are of various moments in the game hopefully holding the viewers interest to see all 4 photos. The timeliness was also important because the game just concluded and it was fresh in peoples minds. Again, hashtags and tagging the accounts were used to put the tweet in front of the correct audience and hopefully gain a retweet. The tweet gained 2,800 impressions and 193 engagements for an engagement rate of 6.9%.



This tweet is more or less the exact same tweet as above with different content. The same tactics were applied and the use of original content and timeliness proved critical. This tweet received 2,005 impressions and 100 engagements for an engagement rate of 5%.



This tweet was used to make a potential connection in the industry. Chip Litherland is a photojournalist and spent a day shooting film at a Nascar event and came away with some remarkable images. I felt the need to share it and throw some positivity towards him. He retweeted it and that allowed for it to get in front of his viewers. Again, hashtags were used to target specific audiences in the field. This tweet received 1,084 impressions and 7 engagements for an engagement rate of 0.6%.



This tweet was posted during the Super Bowl after a magnificent touchdown. The photo was posted within minutes after it happened, I felt the need to post it. I should have quote tweeted it looking back. This tweet received 1,081 impressions and 9 engagements that totaled for an engagement rate of 0.8%.



This tweet was for one of our earlier assignments. I am a photographer and I was trying to find something to share that was unique to the industry and this did just that. It could have benefitted from potentially a poll to get engagement. However, the simplicity of the tweet is what made it work I think. This tweet gained 528 impressions and  6 engagements finishing with an engagement rate of 1.1%.



This tweet worked because of the unique media. It was a gif and it was original. I tweeted it to Hot Pockets and they responded. This tweet was a simple tweet and I feel that helped it get a response. This tweet finished with 512 impressions and 37 engagements for an engagement rate of 7.2%.




This tweet was targeted to a specific group. It was actually retweeted by one of the members of the Getty Sport team which is why I think it gathered the amount of impressions it did. Again, the hashtags helped target an audience. This tweet had 450 impressions and 14 engagements that gave it an engagement rate of 3.1%

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