NFL Playoffs Social Media Activity

The graphs and charts used to make these conclusions were all collected from an analysis of social media activity surrounding the NFL playoffs in January. We used Sysomos to analyze the use of the hashtag “#nflplayoffs” at that time.

From looking at the social media activity it is interesting to see that most of their overall mentions are coming from Twitter. There were some blogs, forums, and news publications mentioning the playoffs, but the vast majority of their mentions came from Twitter. There were 605,948 overall mentions on Twitter. Because the NFL is an American sports it comes at no surprise that USA is a majority of the tweets, but its actually not that large of a majority at 71.4%. It is interesting to see that the NFL has so much global recognition as well. Almost 30% of the mentions came from other countries.

From doing a WordCloud and BuzzGraph of our hashtag, we are able to see other topics that are associated with our hashtag. At the time, Batman V. Superman was launching a trailer, so there are many words associated with that movie, like the directors and actors names.

One of the things that we looked at were some popular tweets that our hashtag was associated with. Embeded just below is a tweet that was retweeted by a lot of people at the time. It’s an interesting tweet, because it gained popularity because of it’s association with the new Batman v. Superman trailer that had come out. It’s interesting to see how this tweet might have gained more popularity by using the “nflplayoffs” hashtag even though it doesn’t have anything to do with football.

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Post contributors:

Connor Buoye, Anisha Chellaswami, Kate Degen, & Samuel Koopman

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