Social Media and Ch-Ch-Changes

“Turn and face the strange” is a line from David Bowie’s  “Changes” and despite the age of the song, it fits perfectly with the changes in myself because of social media. We live in a world that is constantly changing, but no matter the change, people will be upset or scared because we live in a world where new technology or social media can be intimidating. It dates back to when the Internet began to take over the way society viewed the world and people such as the hosts of the Today Show were baffled by what exactly the internet was.

Yet, the Internet brought a wondrous thing to the world and that is social media. From Myspace to Facebook to Twitter, my world is different because of these sites. By using Twitter since 2009, it has allowed my writing to be more concise and thorough by using limited characters. As an aspiring writers, blogging has become a vital way for myself to get my voice out there. Before social media, I would not be able to reach as many people as I can now due to social media.

Language as a whole is changing because of social media. Emojis (small digital icons) are a way I can convey a message to another person without typing an actual word! The power of social media is with the millennial generation and is never more evident than in this ESPN commercial with Duke basketball Coach Krzyzewski

While the strange is scary and unknown whether it be technology (iPhone7 aux cord fiasco) or social media, we must as a society embrace the changes technology gives us. We must use social media to the best of our abilities to convey our thoughts and maybe in the process, we change ourselves and also change the world.

One thought on “Social Media and Ch-Ch-Changes

  1. I totally agree with your point about the adoption of twitter helping your writing as I have found the same thing. I’m someone who has a lot to say, so learning how to condense everything (or almost everything) into a smaller nugget of wisdom has been an invaluable skill. Using twitter helps me filter my thoughts helps me say what I want to say without all the extra.

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