Top 10 Tweets and Analytics

Post #1:

This tweet boasted a distinguishing feature: live & trending. This was a hot-topic issue that had just broken out. Thousands of people were engaging with this story every hour. I simply applied some relevant hashtags, a funny photo, and let the high-traffic do the rest.

Impressions: 1308
Engagement: 204
Likes: 10
Retweets: 2


Post #2

This tweet utilized a clever gif and headline in  order to drive engagement. Everyone has rough days and everyone loves pizza and has experience the empty-box moment before. It is the relatable and unexpected, and this lead to its success.

Impressions: 595
Engagement: 41
Likes: 9
Retweets: 4


Post #3

Using the tag #HumpDay, I easily attached this post to one of the more popular tags on any given Wednesday. It is a popular phrase and is very relatable. Wednesday is the universal grind day. My tweet provided an interesting media photo, and a fun twist on the traditional use of #HumpDay. Most posts are about grinding through HumpDay or crawling through it barely alive. My post twists this concept, showing that #HumpDay is not a problem.

Impressions: 202
Engagement: 19
Likes: 4
Retweets: 0


Post #4

I loved this tweet because I thought it was very clever. I tweeted this early in the semester, at a point where the majority of my followers were my peers in the class. Since we were all using TweetDeck at the time, I thought it would be cheeky to reference the tool without actually using it. It was a cool twist on a relevant assignment.

Impressions: 134
Engagement: 9
Likes: 2
Retweets: 0
Post #5

For this tweet, I utilized the “reply” option and made a blue line between two tweets. I made this post on Superbowl Sunday with the hopes that users would be trafficking twitter by the millions, and all the patriot-hating fans would throw me a like.

Impressions: 156
Engagement: 9
Likes: 3
Retweets: 2


Post #6

For this series of posts it was necessary to experiment with headlines. I went for a casual headline (“Always love to see….”) and a more “toned” headline (“Damn, really….”). This allowed me to play with voice and tone in a post, and the results were surprisingly similar. The big difference came in impressions, which were significantly higher for the top post. I suppose this occurred because the wording creates more tension that a reader will likely take an interest in.

Post A (top)

Impressions: 261
Engagement: 13
Likes: 3
Retweets: 2

Post B (bottom)

Impressions: 188
Engagement: 9
Likes: 3
Retweets: 2


Post #7

In this post I engaged my most influential follower. I used social rank in order to better access his voice and word choice, and made sure to plug in his most used word (success). Funny enough, the use of “success” led to this post being successful in term of engagement and interaction, as @jstorres tweeted back at me.

Impressions: 3,328
Engagement: 22
Likes: 6
Retweets: 1


Post #8

This tweet offered 3 key things that led to its impression and retweet success. First It used strong visual media. Any time there is a brawl, people are going to want to see it. Additionally, it was put out in quick time. This fight broke out about 10 minutes before I made this post, making it one of the first earlier posts about the fight, and making it visible to people just picking up on the story. Finally, I used relevant hashtags, including the players’ names and #NBA.

Impressions: 658
Engagement: 34
Likes: 2
Retweets: 3


Post #9

This tweet was very useful in gaining followed on another source of social media, snapchat. After this post was made, I earned 3 more snapchat followers. This was a surprisingly high conversion rate.

Impressions: 171
Engagement: 7
Likes: 2
Retweets: 0


Post #10

This post boasted a very funny trending topic. Sprint had just taken a shot at Verizon where they suggested that the 1% better coverage offered by Verizon was not worth the 15% higher billing rate (doing so via an ad where a man fakes his own death by car accident to escape his Verizon bill). Verizon clapped back with a brutal yet hysterical commercial, which featured a car crash for every dropped call the 1% difference in coverage is responsible for (5 billion a year). This tweet joined the trending Verizon vs Sprint wave on twitter and had a strong visual. As an advertising major, a lot of my followers also take a particular interest in advertisements so I knew this would be very relevant to my audience.

Klout Analysis:Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 11.43.02 AM.png

The Klout analysis revealed a strong amount of growth in early February, and a subtler growth from February 25th to March 5th. After this period it seemed to plato with short spikes and short lows. I would attest the first and major growth to my use of the class hashtag, which enabled all of my peers to see my tweets and follow me.

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