The Impact of Modern Social Media on Our Relationships

“Human beings yearn for connection and belonging. Numerous studies have linked social support to positive mental health.” (Bonnano)  However, as social media rises as a trend, it seems as if it is almost replacing real, social interactions/relationships with virtual and online communication. With this rising trend, it is starting to concern people as real- life relationships […]

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Blog Post 1

The first chapter of Ethan Zuckerman’s chapter shed some insight on how the Internet played an integral part in containing the SARS virus, even in the early 2000s. Dial up (and therefore ridiculously slow speeds) was still prevalent and if I remember correctly, DSL was beginning to emerge as a cost-effective, higher speed alternative to […]

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Blog Post 1

Modern social media are impacting my relationships in both negative and positive ways.  I find social media to be beneficial because it helps me stay close and connected to my friends and family at all times, while gaining insight into their daily lives and seeing what they are up to.  I think that the ability to […]

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“Our challenge is not access to information; it is the challenge of paying attention.” In Chapter 1 of Rewire, Ethan Zuckerman discusses global epidemics such as SARS and political uprisings like the Arab Spring. Zuckerman outlines the role social media had while these events were unfolding to the general public. He argues that because so much more […]

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Social Media and Relationships

I would be lying if I said I hated social media. I’m constantly on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, checking to see whats new in my friends and families lives. Recently, due to a class that I’m in, I’ve been spending more time on Twitter as well. To me, social media has become a constant in […]

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Evolving Relationships

  Social media is a platform that was not available a generation ago and it is fundamentally changing the way people meet and interact. According to Dr. Rachna Jain, a psychologist, there are two observations that are happening with social media. First, it is allowing people to meet more people than ever before. The types […]

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Like my Photo or I Don’t Like You Anymore: Social Media and Modern-day Relationships

Social media has allowed people to gain popularity among peers, be it ones in their hometown or ones in another country. The things we do for hundreds of likes could be classified as “insane” or “attention-seeking”. We’ve seen celebrities turn to Twitter to feud with one another not because they are deeply passionate over an […]

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