The #GunControl Debate

In light of multiple mass shootings, a huge gun control debate has sparked on twitter with people joining in on the conversation by using #guncontrol and sharing their opinions. Both sides feel very strongly and believe that they are right.

Here are those for stricter gun controls

Here we see a jewish organization concerned that no gun control laws have been put into place after the Pittsburg synagogue shooting

Someone who is happy that the NRA is losing money, and hopeful that this will lead to both their decline and gun control laws

Commenting on the fact that romaine lettuce has been monitored more closely than gun control

And lastly someone who is just saying that by advocating for gun laws you are advocating for saving lives

On the other side of the argument, those against gun control

Someone arguing that gun control is illegal

And lastly someone who believes those who think gun control is beneficial are uneducated



One thought on “The #GunControl Debate

  1. Hi Renee,

    As a jewish American I am ashamed at the fact that mass shootings keep occurring in the United States, then theres a brief period where people are pissed off, but then seem to forget about it until the next mass shooting. It’s ridiculous that we live in a country where mass shootings are tolerable. I really appreciated the tweet about how our government banned lettuce instead of dealing with banning guns. It was a funny tweet, yet concerning. Keep up the good work!

    Josh Goldberg

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