Buzz About The Beatles

For our Sysomos analysis, we chose the trending topic of the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ Abbey Road. Our boolean search was (“abbey road”) AND (“beatles”) AND NOT (“united states”). We wanted to make our search global and decided to exclude the United States. We ensured that the tweets were only about The Beatles’ Abbey Road anniversary by adding both terms in boolean.

From the Latest Activity widget, we saw that the most active time was on the anniversary date, September 26th, at 10 a.m. EST. This fact is important because in the U.K., it was 3 p.m. The Beatles’ home country and the U.S. were awake and Twitter users wanted to commemorate the iconic album.

We found it interesting that the U.K. didn’t have as much activity as the United States, regardless of the location of Abbey Road and the heritage of The Beatles. There was also a lot of activity in Spanish-speaking regions.

The activity in Spanish-speaking regions was shown in the Word Cloud as well. Words such as “años” and “álbum” demonstrate that Beatles fans extend beyond English-speaking regions.

For this trend, the Buzz Graph wasn’t the most helpful tool because it didn’t give us much new information. However, it did reaffirm our discovery that The Beatles have Spanish-speaking fans. We also noticed that the word “disco” was connected with the album, which we wouldn’t typically associate with that genre.

The most retweeted tweet was from @LacketyLac. We think this tweet was successful because people gravitate towards nostalgia, musical talent, covers, and video components. We were surprised that @LacketyLac only had around 120k followers. We expected an account with a larger audience or direct connection to The Beatles to draw more engagement.

Overall, our analysis showed that 50 years later The Beatles are still rocking.

Gabby Jimenez, Payton May, Zack Tamuzza, Koreen Schneur


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