Thanos Loses Faith in Humanity

I’m satisfied with how my meme performed on Imgur. The main objective of posting my meme was to get 550 views and 20 up-votes on Imgur within 1 week of the date posted. I accomplished this objective by almost doubling my expected views with 965 views, and exceeding the 20 up-votes by getting 22 up-votes. Due to the objective being met, I’d also say that my goal was met. The primary goal of this campaign is to entertain a large audience with humor. The 8 comments were positive and poking fun at my meme. Along with this, the large viewership and number of up-votes helped to support the humor my meme was trying to accomplish.

Thanos Loses Faith in Humanity

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The internet meme that initially inspired my own was one I found regarding Just 100 companies: the companies doing right by America. My meme was inspired directly by this one because it points out how Thanos loses faith in humanity. Just 100 companies are the 100 most “just” or responsible companies dong right by America. Thanos looks at the content on the screen revealing how terrible humanity is, and how they support the Just 100 companies even though they aren’t just and produce 71% of global emissions. This prompts him to snap his fingers and make it all go away, because that is his power in the Avengers movie.

What worked best about my campaign is how relatable the content on Thanos’ screen was on Imgur. After seeing the 4 reality TV shows that are a poor reflection on humanity, the people who knew about these shows reputations were more inclined to like or up-vote the meme. In the comments, 6 people related the meme to the Avengers with movie references. On Twitter, the success was not as evident, but it still reached a larger audience. Twitter scored 345 impressions and 19 total engagements. I received one retweet and one like, which isn’t a lot of engagement. The 345 views were sizable, but not large enough to make an impact like the one on Imgur. The impressions were probably because of the abundant use of hashtags, which helped me to target a Thanos meme page. On Instagram, going in to the campaign, 6:00p.m. was the best time to post. However, posting at this time did not gather any engagement, and neither did the successful hashtags used on Twitter. Next time, I may have to target a more specific audience, at a different time of day. Lastly the Thanos meme Facebook group did not garner any attention, as I did not post with any hashtags or much content besides listing it as relatable. Next time on Facebook, I need to do a better job to try and engage with my specific audience more. Lastly, no derivatives of my meme were created, mainly because the template was aged and repeated over the last several months.

Overall, I reached my main objective to hit 550 views and 20 up-votes on Imgur. Next time I try to get a meme to go viral, I’ll know more about how to boost engagement and connect with a larger audience. After all, content is king, and it all starts with what I create before I share my meme.

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