Graduation Depression Campaign Analysis

Objective: To reach at least 200 views of my meme on imgur.

Imgur Meme:

Graduation Depression

Twitter Webcard Tweet:

Twitter Ads Results and Spend:

I spent a total of $5.00 on this campaign and received 68 promoted link clicks.

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Final Engagement Number and Views:

My final engagement number for my promoted tweet was 87, with my final imgur views reaching 291.

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Analysis of Campaign:

This campaign was a success. I exceeded my objective and remained within budget while still receiving an impressive amount of impressions and engagements.

One of the things that worked was utilizing a lot of hashtags in my tweets and on my imgur. While I started off slow in terms of views, when I added hashtags on imgur like #Bravo #RealHousewives and #Memes, my views quickly increased. Also, using hashtags on Twitter like #college and #Easter resulted in more likes than the tweets that did not contain those hashtags. I also found that posting in the early afternoon (from about 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm) garnered more engagement than posting in the morning or late at night.

On the other hand, some of my methods did not work. Too many of my tweets featured the twitter card instead of a photo of the meme, which did not seem to attract as many likes. Also, posting on my Facebook and telling my friends to check out my meme didn’t seem to increase my views at all. Lastly, posting tweets containing the meme too frequently failed to interest or entertain my followers. If I could run my campaign again, I would post more tweets in between my meme tweets and wait longer in between posting tweets containing my meme.

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