Everyone remembers the famous and quotable line, “It’s Over 9,000” from the famous Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z. Due to this show’s extreme international popularity, particularly in the United States, hundreds of meme derivatives have been created from this meme template; therefore, I saw a perfect opportunity to create a meme derivative of this myself.
When thinking about trends during this time of social distancing, I looked to the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons game as a source for the content I would be adding to “It’s Over 9,000” meme template, mostly because of how popular the game has become in such a short amount of time. Upon creating a social media marketing plan for my Animal Crossing: New Horizons meme, I established a campaign objective for the meme to reach 300+ views on Imgur.
Having accomplished this objective with over 500 views, it is evident that my social media marketing plan for this campaign worked extremely effectively. Before sharing the Imgur link on other social media platforms, my meme only received around 200 views on Imgur. However, after four consecutive days of uploading promotional content for friends and peers to see this meme as well, I noticed a significant rise in the number of views. By the time I was marketing the Imgur link for a third time, the meme had over 400 views, passing the original objective significantly.
When reflecting on the low number of views before the implementation of the social media marketing plan, I realized that the meme I created is very niche and specific to a particular audience. If I were to have created a meme that would have catered to a wider audience, I believe that I would have received more views, reaching the objective even before promotional content was uploaded.
After executing my social media marketing plan, I ended up with a total of 553 views on Imgur. Although no one created derivatives of my meme, I believe that it was both comedic and effective in accomplishing the assignment’s main objective.