Fashion house Dior made actress Jennifer Lawrence the face of a new campaign celebrating Mexican culture…the problem: Dior chose a Caucasian woman and shot the campaign in California. Some people think the campaign has undertones of cultural appropriation, while others don’t see any problems. Here are some tweets using the hashtag #Dior:
Jennifer Lawrence on the #Dior advert is just wow!
— Sarah Madigan (@SarahMadiganx) November 24, 2018
#JenniferLawrence #Dior Let’s face it, nobody ever talks about cultural appropriation when it comes to Latinos and when they do, nobody takes it seriously and that is a problem. Put her in a traditional Native American or African dress and that's the end of her career.
— nomadic new yorker (@WeMadeItOut) November 25, 2018
#JenniferLawrence and #dior criticized for lack of #Diversity in new ad celebrating Mexican culture. The company could have used a Mexican actress for this ad. I agree with the critics.
— Leann Levine (@LeannCLevine) November 25, 2018
So, now, honoring Mexican female writers in a design line can’t be done using a Caucasian actress? Really?!? You know what that is? That’s racism!
Cut it out#dior #JenniferLawrence
Dior, Jennifer Lawrence face backlash over ad
— Arvid Nielsen (@eagletreemusic) November 24, 2018
"There's Mexican women they can use to celebrate Mexican culture," DBL co-host @ericacobb says of the cultural appropriation controversy with #JenniferLawrence's @Dior ad donning a new Mexican-inspired line.#representation #culturalappropriation #Dior #WednesdayWisdom
— Daily Blast LIVE (@dailyblastlive) November 22, 2018
I do, I support #Dior as well. And I love and will always love #JenniferLawrence
— sekhmet (@RageSekhmet) November 24, 2018
#PoliticalCorrectness at its worst! #Dior campaign with #JenniferLawrence accused of #culturalappropriation because they are "inspired" by Mexico and Mexican writers. @dopequeenpheebs bitches about it. Aren't we all #HUMANS? Stop labeling & dividing people.
— Richmond Hill Proud (@RichHillProud) November 20, 2018
@Dailybeastlive and @LeanneCLevine, in the minority of this selection opposed to JL representing Mexican culture, make good points: Dior is one of the largest fashion houses, is it so hard to find a Mexican/Latino actress to represent Mexican culture? Additionally, why not go to Mexico for the shoot instead of CA?
But the majority of these Tweets think the controversy is perhaps a bit unnecessary. @RichHillProud thinks the labeling and dividing of people is harmful when we are all people to begin with. This campaign was “inspired” by Mexican culture, and Caucasians are allowed to be inspired, respectfully.