NHsmc Influencer

Twitter Followers: Start – 420 End – 448 Percent Growth – 6% Klout Influence:  Start – 24 End – 40   To increase my number of Twitter followers, I used several techniques. Some proved to show more success than others. What proved to be the most successful, was changing my Twitter bio. By adding what […]

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#Mayochup or #MayoFAIL?

The condiment brand Heinz has recently released its new plans to release a product called “Mayochup” which is a combination of Ketchup and Mayonnaise. They released a Twitter poll on April 11, 2018. They told Twitter users that if they got 500,000 votes for “yes” then they would release the product. Many Twitter users responded […]

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Can You Believe This Meme Went Viral?


  • Gain more followers on Twitter
  • Engage with Twitter accounts that have a large following base
  • Use unique hashtags to improve engagements
  • Get over 500 views on Imgur


Imgur Meme



Twitter Webcard



Twitter Ads Engagement



In order to get this meme to go viral, I learned that the best way to increase the engagement was to continuously post the meme to Twitter. What I found to be interesting was that it did not matter how many retweets a tweet got, but how many times I tweeted out the card. Sharing the link to my friends and having them share it out tremendously helped to increase my engagement.


Final Engagement

Number of views on Imgur: 559

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Who’s Job is it To Uncover the Truth: Facebook or it’s Users?

In response to reading an article from a New York Times author Nathan Heller, “The Failure of Facebook Democracy” it is evident that Facebook’s new algorithms are creating some troubling consequences. I was unaware of Facebook’s attempt to generate more “likes” for its consumers by placing them in specific groups with people who share similar […]

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