The Curious Spectrum of #Trump Tweets

I wanted to investigate the wide spectrum of opinions and tweets circulating the Twittersphere about President Donald Trump. As expected, #Trump yielded a vast range of both positive and negative opinions on the President spanning numerous political issues. I tried my best to offer up the most representative and diverse sample of these tweets. Beginning […]

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Did someone say, free?

Objective: Receive 500 or more views on a meme about when you learn that something is free   Did someone say, free? 281 views     When I walk into Costco and there are samples floating about – #free #yum — Chase (@chase112017) November 13, 2017     Analysis: Overall, […]

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Communication Transformation

Communication is a prehistoric fascination that has spawned some of our species’ most significant inventions over the course of the last millennia. From the dawn of language and pictorials to the printing press, the telegraph and the telephone, each passing generation of humanity has found itself more interconnected than the previous one. Social media will inevitably […]

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