Influence Analysis

I came into this semester fairly new to and not extremely comfortable with Twitter. I created a brand new Twitter account with zero followers and a Klout score of 1 so I could measure my growth from a blank starting point. For those who do not know, a Klout score is a score between 1 and 100 (the […]

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10 #Winning Tweets

Twitter was never my go-to social media platform. If I wanted to get a message out to a large audience of people I would go to another platform, such as Facebook, where I had a larger following. This semester we learned about and experimented with different ways to get a large number of impressions and […]

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Change Isn’t Always Good

Our global climate has become an increasingly important issue in recent decades. Just this past October we experienced the warmest average monthly temperature on record according the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For the past 25 years, leaders from around the world have been attending the Climate Change Conference to discuss this very evident climate […]

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Experience the News

When I hear the term “good story” I do not think of just one specific news article that informed the public about an event really well. I think of a good story to be one told by the compilation of news articles, TV news coverage, and social media coverage (from news outlets and the public) […]

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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The abbreviation “ALS” did not mean much to most people when the term was used before the summer of 2014. I, along with thousands of others, had no idea that the neurodegenerative disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as ALS, even existed until the Ice Bucket Challenge event exploded on social media. The Ice Bucket […]

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Got Me

Competition for consumer attention has become more of a battle today than ever before. There have always been thousands of companies advertising their very similar products and services across different media platforms, but today they are not the only ones putting out content. User generated content—whether it be for marketing or personal purposes—is more popular […]

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