Bats v Supers. Fanboys v Haters

Batman vs. Superman was one the the most highly anticipated movies riding the comic book character band wagon. After the major success of Marvel’s Avengers, DC needed to pull out a hit and build it’s own cinematic universe to stay relevant to movie-goers. Unfortunately, Batman vs. Superman didn’t live up to its hype. It currently has a less-than-impressive 29% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 70% audience rating. Not surprisingly, audiences took to Twitter to voice their opinions, sometimes going out of their way to write several tweets about their dissatisfaction.

At the same time, some have disagreed with the critics. Although not all of them would consider Batman vs. Superman a masterpiece, they believe that the movie’s creators were held to an unfair standard, considering the wide success of Marvel’s cinematic universe.

Also, this one guy points out how annoying it is when everyone jumps on the hate bandwagon.

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