Beyond the Steals and Deals


Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, has quickly become its own holiday. What was once known as a second chance for shoppers who may have missed deals on Black Friday, has become almost more popular. Shoppers do not have leave their homes and everything they want is one click away. Due to the fact that they are already on their phones or computers, there was a great deal of activity behind the hashtag #cybermonday. Most tweets revolved around the actual shopping that was taking place.


Some users even poked fun at Cyber Monday.

Though, some people used the hashtag to talk and reference politics.

Clearly, both these users were not using the hashtag to engage with other shoppers. In other words, their use of the hashtag seems random and unfitting. It is clear that they just used the hashtag to draw attention to to their political views, and both users received a considerable amount of engagement for it.


Which raises the question: does how the hashtag is used matter? Or will users just blindly follow the hashtag?

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