Pro #PlannedParenthood
Please support #PlannedParenthood
— SugarCookie (@TxYankee33) April 9, 2017
A single cell on Mars would be considered life yet a cell in the mothers womb is disposable
@PPact #PlannedParenthood #ThursdayThoughts
— Young_Conservative™ (@Steve0423) April 6, 2017
Sexual health is so incredibly important. Whether you realize it or not, #PlannedParenthood positively affects your life every day.
— Catherine McParland (@Cat_McParland) April 13, 2017
People know that planned parenthood provides other services right? That not all centers provide abortions?#PlannedParenthood
— Lala (@pludulutch) April 13, 2017
Thursday, April 13th marks the day President Trump officially and privately signed a law that will allow states to defund Planned Parenthood. This is a controversial topic, where you have people on both sides of the spectrum. Those who are against defunding have chosen to get their points across in a number of ways. The first tweet takes a hit at the Republican Party, while the second chooses to point out the hypocrisy in supporting life outside the Earth and not on Earth. The last two are trying to open people’s eyes so they can realize Planned Parenthood in fact does provide helpful and positive services.
Anti #PlannedParenthood
What a day! @POTUS w/a monumental one-two punch: Dropped #MOAB in #Afghanistan on EVIL ISIS & Defunded #PlannedParenthood. #MAGA
— Kim
(@AmeriKimWoman2) April 13, 2017
Another promise kept! Trump bombed the crap out of Isis, and dufunded Planned Parenthood the same day!#MOAB #Afghanistan #PlannedParenthood
— Deplorable Leslie (@Digidiva2017) April 13, 2017
On the other hand, those pro defunding are clearly choosing to praise the President’s actions in general. While those anti-defunding are addressing the Planned Parenthood issue on its own, providing strong arguments, these seem to couple it with how well the President is doing in office. In my opinion, choosing to generalize such a sensitive topic with no strong knowledge to back it up, shows how they are blindly supporting the President’s decisions and have not made themselves completely aware of the situation.