Gimme Da Fries Viral Meme Campaign

Campaign Analysis of ‘Gimme Da Fries’ Viral Meme Challenge


The Original Objectives stated in my pre-campaign marketing plan were:

  • 400 Impression on Imgur
  • 450 Impressions on Twitter
  • 35 Engagements on Twitter
  • 5 Retweets on Twitter
  • 25 likes on Twitter
  • 20 Likes on Facebook
  • 5 Shares on Facebook
  • 1 Re-pin on Pinterest
  • 2 likes on Pinterest

However, after beginning the campaign, I determined that the Pinterest portion of the original plan did not fit as well with the target demographic and would not be effective. As a result, it was excluded from the campaign.

Imgur Meme:


Twitter Webcard Tweet:

Twitter Ad Engagement & Spend:

Twitter Ad’s Spend/Overview

Twitter Ad#1 (Gimme Da Fries – Webcard) Engagement

Twitter Ad#2 (Promoted Tweet) Engagement

Campaign Analysis:

Looking back on my campaign there are definitely some things that worked well and some that I could improve upon in a future campaign. One thing that I did well was identifying a good audience for my twitter campaign which led to an engagement rate of about 2.75% which falls in the high end of the norm for promoted tweets. The timing of the promoted tweets (Thursday night & Sunday Afternoon) also seemed to lead to a great number of impressions. I think my biggest weakness in the campaign was the meme itself because a lot of people were seeing the meme, but not enough of them thought it was funny/engaging enough to click on it. Therefore, in the future, I would definitely put more time into creating and testing the meme. Another thing I could have done was try to engage with specific people on twitter using my meme to garner more organic buzz and to harness the twitter bases of more established users.

Final Engagement Numbers:

  • Twitter (For all three twitter posts)
    • Total Impressions: 3,598
    • Total Tweet Engagements: 116
    • Engagement Rate: 3.08%
    • Clicks: 109
    • 1 Retweet
  • Facebook
    • 12 Likes on Facebook
  • Imgur
    • Main Imgur Post (URL Posted Above) 350 Views
    • Secondary Imgur (link: 109 Views
      • **This link was posted first without the proper heading but received views of its own.

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