Going Viral | Viral Content Challenge Analysis

“Going viral” is all the rage on the Internet. Probably because anything that’s actually all the rage, is viral.

It’s almost that time of the year again…

I made a meme based on two things I figured my social media audience would relate to. I referenced finals week, since my audience is mostly made up of college students, and I used a photo of my cat, since everyone loves a good crazy cat photo every now and again.

My challenge was to “go viral,” or, for the sake of the assignment, get 500+ views of my meme on Imgur. Unfortunately, I didn’t reach that number, and I have a few thoughts on why that might have been the case. First, let’s start with my original objectives:


• I hope to see my meme get over 500 views on Imgur.
• I hope to get 5 likes on my Tweets.
• I hope to see 2-3 shares on my Facebook post.

I’m a bit frustrated to report that none of these came to fruition. However, I think I’ve identified a few reasons why I only accomplished a series of “almost’s” instead of seeing my meme take off. Here are my thoughts:


I didn’t get 500 views on Imgur. However, I think I’ve identified a technical glitch that might have afforded me at least a few more views than the 300 that I’m seeing on my view count now.

That’s the post I originally put on Twitter. That one got 90+ views on the first day, and linked to this Imgur image:

Hiding from finals like…

Then, in an effort to get even more engagement, I went into my Imgur account to add tags. I somehow ended up with a second Imgur post of the same meme. Which I then promoted in a Twitter Webcard here:

That meme got 300 views.

I think that had I put the tags and hashtags into the Imgur post at the very first step, I could have accumulated all of the views on one meme, thus finishing this assignment with a higher view count.
I also think there were a few things wrong with the meme itself that I didn’t realize until mid-way through the campaign. I was too excited about sharing a common struggle of being a student (finals week) to remember that it wasn’t actually finals week yet.

The meme was also rather dark, and though I brightened it in Photoshop after our dot voting exercise, it was still darker than most memes out there.

I didn’t get 5 likes on Twitter, but I got 4, which is honestly pretty good for my Twitter audience engagement. I think that my average loyal like-ers liked one of the posts featuring the meme, and when they saw the meme pop up again and again, just ignored it. If I were to do this again, I would take more time to brainstorm more creative copy for my tweets.

As for the Facebook post – I decided against posting the meme to my Facebook page. I wasn’t sure that my Facebook audience would really understand what was going on if I were to just post it, since I really only use my Facebook for promoting my blog and posting the occasional photo. Instead, I posted it to my sorority’s Facebook group page. Eight people liked it and 165 people saw it, but I think probably only those 8 people that liked it clicked on it. (I was monitoring the view count on Imgur after posting – it didn’t move as much as I’d hoped it would.)

If I were to re-do the assignment, I would get over my hesitation and just go for posting it on my normal page. My Facebook audience is generally far more engaged than my Twitter audience, and I probably could have at least gotten some shares from my family.

Something that did go well, though, was my Twitter Ads campaign.

View post on imgur.com

According to the Twitter Ads analytics page, I got 914 impressions out of my ad, and of those 914, 62 people clicked on my link. I enjoyed being able to customize to whom Twitter would send my ads, choosing the demographics, interests, education levels, location, etc. of the recipients. This gave me a 6.78% engagement rate.

Final Engagement Number: 300 views on Imgur (plus those 97 on that other post?), 4 Twitter likes, 8 Facebook likes

This assignment was a lot of fun – and I learned a lot from playing around with the different programs. I feel much more confident jumping into Twitter Ads than I did before, and know now to really think about the relevance of what I’m posting.

If this meme takes off once it’s actually finals week, I’ll keep you posted.

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