How Do I #StayFed In College?

One thought on “How Do I #StayFed In College?

  1. Chantel,

    I am going to be honest with you right now… I need you to make this into a full web series. You really could do it! This is extremely relevant to your audience and I feel like you’ve provided enough information for viewers to take away and actually make their lives a little bit better. That being said, I really do think you could turn this into a whole series! You could do recipes and grocery hauls; it could be a whole thing! I don’t want to take your time or anything but if this is something you’re serious about, I say go for it! You’ve got a great concept here. I also enjoyed that you included a hashtag in the title. College kids need this information and what better way to reach them than by social media? It’s a very smart move on your part.


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