There have been numerous ways to communicate with people, especially those that are not near you. You can write a letter that will take weeks to deliver, or send an email that may or may not be seen, or even pick a phone up and call someone that may or may not answer.
Today, however, you can just communicate with social media. You can share a thought or idea you have through Pinterest, send out news through twitter, or even personally message someone on Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Without social media, leaving home would have been hard for me. As an international student I would have found it difficult to get in contact with family or friends by only using older means of communication. In fact, I probably would not have even been able or allowed to go to school where I am now had it not been for social media.
One of the things people crave is contact and communication. We crave knowing that people are ok, or that they care. We even want people knowing what we’re doing or where we are, and we hope that we’ll getting a response from them. Social Media has made this easily possible for billions of people around the world. In fact, you can get news and “can communicate information in a flash, regardless of geographical location,”
Nearly a third of Africa’s elephants were wiped out in just 7 years, study shows
— CNN International (@cnni) September 12, 2016
and you can do it in a cost efficient way since “social media platforms are completely free to use” and “accessible to anyone!”
life ain't easy. music ain't easy. but I wake up blessed havin anothr day to do what I love
(@MIKEYUNGNYC) September 8, 2016
So instead of spending money to send a letter, or using data to call a phone, just download an app and start connecting!
Social media is such an easy way for people to communicate from all over the world. I couldn’t imagine living in another country away from home without it! Of course, we could just send letters or e-mails, but it’s nice to go on Facebook or Instagram and see photos and videos of our friends. We can leave comments to show we’re thinking about them, instead of having to call and wait for an answer. Also, you’re right about all the fees! Social media allows me to talk to my friend who’s abroad in Barcelona right now. Without it, I’d be spending money to call or send letters.