At the start of COM 427, I had a Twitter follower count of 783; however, by the semester’s end, I have amassed 829 followers, growing my audience by 46 followers in only 2 months. Through the utilization of rich media, derivative meme formats, and precise tonality in my language, I was able to receive high engagement with the content I published. Additionally, I consistently made use of the quote tweet feature, allowing me to recycle and repurpose old content that had already done well while giving it a new flare. Below, I have compiled a collection of my top 10 tweets throughout the course of the semester by utilizing the twitter analytics feature. Now, let’s take a dive into my top tweets.
In no particular order, my first tweet featured received 1,542 impressions and 166 engagements.
slid down my cement staircase on route to meet the ~good uncle~ for a southwest salad, and was simply told that they were sold out. excuse me? sold out?? give me my food you rapscallions. #NHsmc #Voice
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) January 28, 2020
When creating this tweet, I especially thought about my voice, using a witty, playful tone to strike humor in my audience on Twitter. As I have been tweeting for 6 years now, I have already established this kind of tone on my profile, and so executing this was done with ease. Consequently, this tweet received 24 likes, and is pretty good for what I typically receive per tweet on Twitter.
The second tweet in my collection received 2,242 impressions and 109 engagements.
this is the rat king that I sublet my apartment to #NHsmc #roomies 🥰
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) January 29, 2020
I utilized the quote tweet feature for this execution, utilizing two hashtags, an emoji, and a common joke format to work off of for the caption. This indirectly also incorporates a video into the tweet, and so it definitely received engagement due to the use of this rich media form. Lastly, this tweet also received 24 likes like my first tweet in this collection, which is a pretty solid number for my profile.
The third tweet in my collection received 1,146 impressions, 181 engagements, and 268 media views, as I incorporated a video for this tweet execution.
morning coffee with this cutie 🥰
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 5, 2020
Utilizing rich emojis and a video definitely helped in making this tweet in its engagement and impression metrics. As the tweet received 23 likes, it was consistent with how my tweets normally perform. Lastly, the video featured “Gibby” a popular character and pop culture reference from the hit show “iCarly,” and so this definitely helped in the tweet’s overall performance.
The fourth tweet in my collection was a “In Case You Missed It” quote tweet that received 3,962 impressions and 493 engagements.
I literally keep evolving. Started out as the ugliest barnacle to live and made my way to a sex c Jason Segel lookalike. what will my ultimate form be?? #NHsmc #ICYMI
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 12, 2020
This tweet performed exceptionally well due to the fact that it incorporates three different photos in its execution, all showcasing my “glow-up,” a popular trend on social media. Moreover, I made a reference to myself looking like “Jason Segel,” which definitely aided in boosting this tweet’s overall metrics. I even used playful, meme-like language, including the phrase “sex c,” to make the tweet more comical and personable for my audience. This tweet received 52 likes, performing above-average for what I normally see on my Twitter profile.
The fifth tweet in my collection includes a screenshot of my LinkedIn profile, and it received 1,633 impressions and 377 engagements.
you haven’t connected with me on LinkedIn AND IT SHOWS. Get me to 500+ connections so I don’t have to live in a sewer when I’m older… #NHsmc
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 17, 2020
While this tweet received 18 likes, I did not expect it to perform this well. However, I utilized a popular meme format (“and IT SHOWS…), along with the joke of reaching 500+ connections on LinkedIn, as this is a goal for many people that I have seen on social media. Additionally, the post included a photo, increasing the probability for it to be engaged with.
The sixth tweet in my collection received a total of 3,344 impressions and 273 engagements.
Syracuse: wE hAvE tHe NuMbER oNE CoMmunICAtiONS sCHooL iN ThE cOUnTrY
Also Syracuse: *tells student body that no one is suspended when 30 students have received official suspension forms for peacefully protesting
tell your students the truth Syracuse. #NotAgainSU #NHsmc
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 19, 2020
Featuring the hashtag #NotAgainSU, this tweet was published during the controversial and upheaving time of the NotAgainSU protest on the Syracuse University campus. This definitely helped increase the number of both impressions and engagements that this tweet received, as this was a hot topic for weeks at the Syracuse University campus. As the tweet received 5 retweets and 59 likes, it performed above-average for my profile and did incredibly well, as it advocated for the main issue of the protest and demanded the Syracuse administration to acknowledge its wrongs through bold, honest and factual language.
The seventh tweet in my collection is a quote tweet that received 3,163 impressions and 137 engagements.
Everyone: gO aBrOAd iN tHe SpRiNG
Also Everyone abroad in the Spring: "fell in love with Europe only for me and my amicas to be kicked out of Italia 6 weeks into abroad because of some corona. don't txt."#NHsmc #coronavirus
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 26, 2020
As this tweet touched on the topic of the coronavirus, it was already projected to receive a decent amount of impressions and engagements due to the topic’s universality as a global pandemic. Moreover, I incorporated a popular meme format that is used across the various social media platforms, getting this meme to receive 24 likes. Lastly, I included Italian words in that post that I thought would be stereotypical of what girls who go abroad would learn during their months there, making the post humorous and relatable to many.
The eighth tweet in my collection received a total of 1,154 impressions and 154 engagements.
it's so comforting to know that I get to live during a time when both skinnies and legends can coexist to form a skinny legend movement. our generation's minds are so powerful. #NHsmc
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) March 2, 2020
As this tweet features an image, this already increased its chances of receiving a high number of impressions and engagements. Moreover, the tweet incorporates a humorous phrase “skinny legend,” which is popular across all social media platforms, particularly in the LGBTQ community. The post received 12 likes, which is definitely mediocre for the number of likes I typically receive on tweets. Looking back, I could have incorporated the hashtag #LGBTQ in this post to receive exposure from that particular audience.
The ninth tweet in my collection accumulated 1,391 impressions and 169 engagements, definitely due to its incorporation of two photos.
went to an EDM concert last night and I can simply still hear the duh duh duh duh duh duh duhs in my eardrums. I will never hear the same again #NHsmc
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) February 5, 2020
Although this tweet is rich in media, it only received 13 likes. Looking back, I could have implemented more hashtags that correspond to the caption’s content, and maybe even emojis that make sense. However, I was trying to experiment with the kind of content that I normally put out, and so I now know that this doesn’t work as well for me.
My tenth and final tweet in my collection received the most impressions and engagements out of all my tweets, receiving 5,442 impressions and 1,761 engagements! Wahoo!
love is pretty gross until you find someone who takes the time to do this 🥺
— notjasonsegel (@AppelloChris) March 4, 2020
This tweet performed exceptionally well with 2 retweets and 85 likes mostly due to the rich media incorporated in the tweet. The two photos are a side-by-side comparison of my boyfriend and I, where the one on the left is the original photo, while the one on the right is a drawing that my boyfriend gave to me for my birthday. This definitely did exceptionally well due to how sweet, wholesome and tender the post was, and most people seeing this couldn’t help but to like, or at least engage, with the content.
As I reflect on my social media work this past semester, I am more than proud of what I accomplished. I expanded my following, experimented with new content, and most importantly, had fun while doing it.