My Twitter Analysis Over The Course Of 90 Days

Since I have taken the social media class at Newhouse, my presence on Twitter has immensely grown. I went from 280 followers to 326 followers (A 46 follower increase!). My clout score over those 90 days went from a low 22.04 to a high of 38.56. Without a doubt, by tweeting and using specific hashtags, I have grown my social media presence. Here are the top 10 tweets over the course of the class using the hashtag #NHsmc.


These are the top 10 tweets from a 90-day span from 1/20 to 4/20. Overall, an interesting theme I have noticed is that most of my top tweets include a link or some image. I believe this attracts an audience if an image is included in a tweet which would want people to engage with my tweet.

With my very top tweet, was my viral campaign of “stay ready” using the hashtag #stayready. I included a meme of a picture of me fighting. It got 16 retweets and 20 likes. I had 2,145 impressions and 102 engagements. A reason for these numbers is that I paid for the marketing for it as part of the viral campaign which helped it reach to a larger audience.

My second best tweet was me coming back from MMA practice and included a video of my boxing gloves and me watching UFC Fight Pass. This tweet had 394 impressions. My third tweet was to ask my followers to follow Conor McGregor’s twitter and I think this got a lot of impressions because McGregor is the biggest MMA figure today and most of my followers are MMA-based.

My fourth tweet was a GIF of me scooping protein powder from Muscle Pharm and saying how good it was. I believe this was one of my top tweets because GIF’s are becoming popular and I gave a shoutout to one of the largest supplement companies today.

My fifth most popular tweet was a collage of pictures of me fighting. These pictures were “attention” getters so it made people more inclined to give it a look. My sixth tweet was a picture of Newhouse’s portrait of some of the top broadcasters that come from Newhouse. Since I included the hashtag #IRL it was going to me more interacted with people on Twitter.

My seventh most popular tweet was another collage of pictures including Jeb Bush. I tweeted that Trump is reshaping the GOP and this of course got a ton of impressions because Trump has dominated the news the past year.

The eighth most popular tweet was a #traveltuesday tweet. These “Day” tweets have become very popular and I wanted to show a majestic picture of the MGM Grand and how I love going to Las Vegas.

My ninth most popular tweet was telling people of the UFC weigh ins on the weekend of the Super Bowl. I feel that most sports tweets will be popular close to Super Bowl weekend since it is such a big event. Also, the UFC always has an event on Super Bowl weekend which may have caused the large amount of traffic for my tweet.

Lastly, my tenth most popular tweet was a comparison of J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis on a Google graph. Graphs are very popular on Twitter and are “eye-worthy” in my opinion so that is why it could have lead to a good amount of impressions.

Here are my Sysomos results:

Overall, My Sysomos MAP user detail authority score was a 4. Most of my followers are from the U.S. 53% of my followers are male and 47% are female. I think what worked for my tweets wasI made it concise within the 140 character limit. I think that is so important today for anyone that tweets. I think for the future, I am realizing that I should include more links and pictures as that seems to help gain traction and improve impressions.

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