Personal Growth and Analysis for a real NH Social Media Communicator

Now that Com 427 is coming to an end, it is time to see if I really am a Newhouse Social Media Communicator. In the beginning of the semester, I started out with 0 followers, as I created a Twitter for the first time. Over the course of the semester, I gained and lost followers, amounting to a final follower number of 26. According to, I started out with a score of 11.68 and ended with a score of 26.38.  While a 26.38 is not an ideal Klout score, it is a good starting point.

Part 1 Influence:

My influence and network were increased once I started tweeting numerous times a week about different things. The more I tweeted, the more engagement I received and the more followers I had. In addition, when I followed people first, they usually followed back. On the other hand, there was a point where I stopped continuously tweeting. As a result, I lost a few influential followers. I also lost some followers when promoting my meme because the tweet’s content was the same for a week. I then started tweeting again and following more people in order to gain back followers.

Part 2 Execution:

Impressions: 1,669

Total engagement: 187




To execute this post, I used Google’s StreetView app. I took a picture of first floor of the Whitman School of Management and tagged Whitman as a location. This allowed it to receive more impressions, as many people look for tweets about Whitman. It received attention, gaining retweets and comments. I knew that using a photo with my tweet would receive more engagement than if I were to just tweet about Whitman. In addition, using a location and tagging the google app extends the tweet out to a larger audience.


Impressions: 273

Total engagement: 14


This tweet was not for a particular assignment, but I knew it would relate to people. There are not many Monday fans out there. I used the hashtag “Monday Blues” to extend the tweet out to a larger audience. It connects to more people than the 26 who follow me. The meme only enhances the tweet, as it visualizes how everyone feels on this day. It makes the words even more relatable. We also learned in class about the timing of tweets, because my tweet focuses around one day of the week, it is time sensitive. Therefore, I sent it out at 9 am on Monday to ensure that people would see it upon waking up.


Impressions: 406

Total engagement: 18


I received many impressions on this tweet because I not only used images, but I also hashtagged the location. Treman State Park is popular and has beautiful scenery. People love looking at nature, especially on twitter where most of the page is consumed with words. The waterfalls give people a break from the words. In addition, in class we discussed how twitter crops photos when placing multiple photos in a tweet. The photos I chose were not negatively affected by the crop. People could see the sights without having to take the extra step of clicking into the pics.


Impressions: 364

Total engagements: 18

Likes: 7

This tweet mimics the voices of some funny and relatable twitter handles I follow, which are followed by predominantly college students. I knew that this tweet was relatable and would receive engagement because no college student actually wants to do homework. The time, 6:45, was chosen because most classes are complete at that time and students are feeling the wrath of their homework.


Impressions: 263

Total engagements: 17

Likes: 4

This tweet was a cross promotion that mentioned my Instagram and encouraged people to follow it. This tweet worked because as a result, I did earn more Instagram followers. The copy of this tweet promotes my handle in an accurate way. I am not begging people to follow me. I am encouraging them to do so in a funny way.


Impressions: 379

Total engagement: 30


This tweet was to Moo, the company that made my business cards. Moo acknowledged my thank you and liked my tweet, as did other followers. This tweet has the aesthetic component and the information aspect as well. My copy states discusses business cards and the image shows what they look like. This is easy for anyone to understand and connect to.


Impressions: 350

Total engagements: 25

Likes: 4

Rewteet: 2

This tweet received many impressions because it was so relatable and it was the first time I displayed my meme. People of all ages can connect to it and share it with friends and family. In addition, the picture crop is enough to see what the image is, but not enough to understand exactly what is going on. This makes the viewer have to click into the tweet, which gives even more engagement. In addition, my copy poses a question about the picture, yet the audience has not seen what I am speaking to. Once again, this is what would make a viewer click into the tweet. Lastly, I used a plethora of hashtags to extend my image to other audiences that can relate to it.


Impressions: 705

Total engagements: 47

Likes: 3

Retweet: 1

This tweet reveals social media in real life. This picture was taken at the New York State Fair. The use of the photo in combination with the emojis strengthens the message I am trying to communicate. I do not only say that the shirts look like emojis, I show that they do by also tweeting the relevant emojis. I received many impressions because the tweet was retweeted. Therefore, an audience that extended beyond my followers was able to see it.


In the freezing cold, would you pass up a perfectly good cone? #nhsmc #summer

A post shared by Mjlevine (@mjlevine13) on

Likes: 27

Comments: 6

This post received the most likes out of any of my other Instagram posts. I can attribute this success to the fact that I instagrammed food, particularly ice cream. Ice cream photos are always aesthetically appealing. In addition, after learning about the popular hashtags in class, I used the hashtag “summer” to receive further engagement. People are always looking for summer throwbacks, especially during the winter.


The best part about Halloween… the candy #nhsmc #halloween #eeats

A post shared by Mjlevine (@mjlevine13) on

Likes: 14


Comments: 5

This post also received high engagement. It was my first Boomerang post and I chose to make it Halloween themed. This also reveals how food is a popular topic on Instagram, as many people viewed my video. Using a video instead of a picture gave my flow variety, which was needed. Using the hashtag “halloween” made the post very relevant because it was instagrammed a day before Halloween.



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