Relationship Status

I based my viral content on the buzz around Syracuse and basketball following March Madness.  I aimed at making the meme go viral via Twitter and to also get traction on Instagram.  While this was my initial objective, once implementing the plan, I decided to focus less on Instagram.  I believe there are certain Instagram accounts that would have driven views on the meme, but not the Imgur link.  My goal was 40 engagements on Twitter, including likes and retweets.  I did not realize when making my plan that likes and retweets were not as critical as website clicks.  Via Twitter, I received 37 website clicks from my webcard but on Imgur I received 750 views, 12 comments and 2 favorites.

My audience was Syracuse fans and students.  With the men’s and women’s basketball teams both having competed in the Final Four, there was a large amount of activity surrounding the teams on social media.  I would feed off of this traction after the tournament ended, but was still in the minds of Syracuse fans.  I also thought the meme appealed to lots of students.  I used popular ‘Cuse related hashtags to draw in potential viewers.  I also used the popular #NationalChampionship hashtag the day the women were competing to join in the conversation.  I was unable to embed my Twitter webcard.  I have embedded a tweet using the webcard.

I believe I could have driven more clicks through my webcard had I been more specific in the area I was promoting the tweet in.  I included 8 tweets from my Twitter card.  I spent $4.97 and it only ended up costing 13 cents per click.

4 thoughts on “Relationship Status

  1. I think this was a really smart idea because you did a great job of combining multiple things that are popular on the internet. Obviously March Madness is one of the most talked about events of the year, but you also combined that with the popular relationship status meme. It doesn’t surprise me that you got continuous traffic.

  2. Still so obsessed with this picture😂 Proud of your promotion analytics! I think the timing of this challenge was very much so in your favor, especially considering that your meme sports a lot of Syracuse! Thus making it so much more enticing for the march madness crowd. Killed it Kat.

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