Social Media: A Box Full Of Hashtags

So what’s the Fuss?

#BoycottStarWarsVII was a hashtag that was created by a small group social media  ‘trolls’ to try and possibly stir-up some fuss on social media. Let’s check out some thoughts.

At a time, it became the  #1 trending hashtag on Twitter.

So, what exactly does that even mean?

Is it a social barometer that says social media generally may, sometimes, possibly, use hashtags to be non-inclusive and share derogatory material?






The Star Wars fan base is massive and nerdy. So why stop being yourself and how about turning that negative idea into your own form of positive expression?


Comments and tweets were not limited to those of StarWars fanbase, some people just have different tastes for the same thing.



More of Twitter seems to be about the excitement about bashing some trolls and a negative hashtag rather than promote negativity.


For a long time people thought the world was flat or possibly still believe that the Apollo missions were forged in a Hollywood basement.


Yes, in fact, the hashtag began from a single twitter account originating from the United Kingdom. This account has since been terminated by Twitter.
Seems awareness could be going in the right direction?

A Possible Mis-Understanding of the Context or changing the meaning?



You decide.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“Of everyone who tweeted the hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII on Monday, 94% were merely expressing outrage over its existence, according to a statistically relevant sample examined by social media social listening and analytics firm Fizziology for Mashable. The other 6% were “racist trolls trying to get people mad,” the firm told Mashable, adding that many of them also used their rants to campaign for Donald Trump.”

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