Syracuse Final Four Viral Campaign



My objectives were very simple: push views and engagements to my image. However, it is a task that can be tricky if it is not thought out properly. Secondly, I wanted to make people aware of my social media presence and potentially make new connections. These two tasks are general goals for almost every tweet I send.

I was surprised with how many engagements this tweet generated. The targeted audience and promotion really made a difference in engagements. From April 19-22, this tweet gained 4,622 impressions with 4,412 coming from promotion, and 75 engagements. There were 23 link clicks from the paid promotion. Overall, I spent about 20 cents per link click, a cost that would be well worth the return on investment if I were were managing a social media outlet for a major company. Interestingly, this tweet had a higher organic engagement rate than promoted, totaling 11.9% and 1.1% respectively. This could be due to the large amount of Syracuse followers I have already. According to my analytics, this tweet had no definitive time pattern for engagement. Engagement times varied drastically day to day.  The photo gained 910 views on imgur and generated one comment. The engagement on imgur was high during the first 24 hours of posting and dropped off significantly after.

I can conclude that promoting this tweet significantly improved this tweet’s outreach and significantly boosted the number of engagements generated.



— Logan Reidsma

2 thoughts on “Syracuse Final Four Viral Campaign

  1. I’m not surprised at the engagement with this tweet because of the fact Syracuse went to the Final Four an d I am just guessing that a big chunk of your followers come from the Syracuse, Syracuse University area. The promoted tweets get your tweet just that much more exposure which definitely help when it comes to getting the website clicks or likes on the tweets. Very happy you were able to receive the amount of clicks/engagement/impressions that you did.

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