Sysomos MAP Group Project #Oscars

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The most retweeted #Oscars tweet in the month of January
7 billion estimated impressions from 322,477 Twitter mentions by 233,505 users

On January 1, 2017, there were 5,532 impressions regarding the “Oscars” on Twitter and at the end of the month, there were 13,799. At its peak, on January 24, there were 323,353 impressions. This is because January 24 is the day that the Academy announced the Oscar nominations, with the most retweeted tweet being the Best Picture Nominees. After this announcement, the impressions declined while other entertainment news took hold of the agenda. At the beginning of the month, the general public was more focused on the new administration, taking the attention away from the Oscar buzz on social media. Towards the end of the month, impressions increased, as the date of the awards got closer.


Country demographics analyzing 1506 profiles from 2998 Twitter results

The Oscars’ relevance goes way beyond the American film world, despite its connection to the Hollywood scene. The award ceremony has been adopted globally as a symbol of achievement in universal entertainment. So, it’s no surprise that the Twitter conversations surrounding it have extended beyond the United States. However, the majority (36.1%) was in the U.S., while the other countries were mostly scattered in incremental percentages. Nevertheless, the event was still discussed across the world in Europe, Asia and South America.

Word Cloud

The most used words during the #Oscars Twitter conversations

The word cloud provides a stunning visualization highlighting important textual data points. As you can see, words like “ https,” “congrats,” and “oscars” stand out since they were used more frequently. “BellLetsTalk” and “Black” are small words in the cloud connecting us to opportunities for new discussion. Although the Oscars is an award ceremony recognizing excellence in cinematic achievements, the Oscars have also become a platform for actors and audiences watching to voice their political views.


Related words and connections used on Twitter

Through the buzzgraph, it is evident that aside from the typical words that most relate to the term “Oscars” (such as “congrats” and “award”). The award show has also become a platform for political discourse. This trend can be seen through the association of the words “Farhadi”, “Trump”, and Muslimban” with the word “Oscars”. The diagram also alludes to news surrounding the Oscars that are currently going around social media, namely around Meryl Streep. 

By: Zeena Saifi, Moriah Ratner, Sara Wong, Nathalie Abigail Budiman


One thought on “Sysomos MAP Group Project #Oscars

  1. Really admire how you guys used the data to look at how the election affected engagement and how the event has such a global reach. Really interesting data, certainly provided some buzzwords I would not have expected.

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