The Influential Power of Twitter!


Over the course of the semester I had learned a lot about how leverage social media and how to reach out and engage with people I had never thought I would engage with. I was surprised to find that a lot of people that I look up too in the Music Industry actually engaged with me on the twitter platform. I had received some form of engagement from Justin Pierre from Motion City Soundtrack, Michael Lerner from Telekinesis, and a retweet from the band Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. It had never occurred to me how useful twitter could be for musicians to reach their listeners on an even more personal level.

My twitter page had been up for a few years before the class had started and I had about 47 followers during the first week. Even though 83 still isn’t the highest number I am happy for almost doubling the number in only 3 months.

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My Klout score however has moved a bit over the course of the semester but it isn’t far now from the beginning of the semester. I started out with a score of 40, mostly from all the engagement from my Instagram page. Once I started utilizing twitter more, the score shot up to 47. However, since about mid-October it has fallen down to 42. Still higher from where I started, but I plan on figuring out what I was doing in mid-October so I can try to get that number back up.



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