Looking back over the past four months, these were the top 10 tweets that garnered the most influence and engagement and the reasons for each:
.@MandyModGirl all of your influential #success quotes remind me of why I started this journey #NHsmc https://t.co/EUSeEnJRoB
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) September 12, 2015
This tweet was my first major “success” during the semester. It garnered 1,333 impressions with 17 engagements. Mandy McEwen is a very influential digital marketing and SEO speaker. She has a 60.7K followers and tweets motivational success quotes on her business’ Twitter handle. By including her handle and the hashtag “success,” which is a very large and motivational tag to include in itself, this tweet was very influential and instrumental to the beginning of my Twitter follower growth.
How could @SyracuseU get any better? Happy to be at a school promoting #NewsEngagementDay! #NHned #NHsmc https://t.co/7Lno8vSkKs
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) October 3, 2015
Even though this tweet didn’t receive very many likes, I tagged Syracuse University and quoted Newhouse’s tweet about News Engagement Day. Since that hashtag received national attention, and there is a large following around Syracuse University and the Newhouse School, this tweet gained 186 impressions and 13 engagements. The engagement that had the most impact on my follower count was the quote tweet from the Newhouse NOJ Department:
We're so glad you feel that way – see you Tuesday @NewhouseSU @SyracuseU @AEJMC https://t.co/roHcfEw2Pf
— Newhouse NOJ Dept. (@NewhouseNOJ) October 4, 2015
Cool, huh?
.@kathybarbour can't wait for phenomenal speakers this year at @PRSSANational conference in #Atlanta with @SUPRSSA & @HillCommPR #NHsmc
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) October 11, 2015
With this tweet, I was getting super pumped for PRSSA National Conference that I was invited to attend in early November. I tagged just about every influential PR person or organization in this tweet, which is why it had 98 impressions and 8 engagements. Kathy Barbour liked it and followed me which was awesome!
Listening to the always wonderful @EthanZ about social change and #socialmedia @jmgrygiel #NHsmc @SyracuseU pic.twitter.com/1SKIGb0SL6
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) October 15, 2015
Surprisingly (not), Ethan Zuckerman has a gazillion followers (okay, only 41.1K), and the hashtag “social media” is one of the most scrolled through tags ever. This tweet got 409 impressions and 31 engagements. I remember getting a slew of followers after posting this, and their short bios that show up on my email when someone follows me all had #socialmedia somewhere in it. The other thing I noticed was that this tweet had 12 media engagements and 10 tweet expands, which means the photos were a highly influential attachment.
Please watch as @cmallison727 @JulieNGelb and the rest of our team embarrass ourselves on #Periscope #NHsmc https://t.co/QS3p2zmKl9
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 2, 2015
This tweet was pretty self explanatory for why it had 371 impressions and 7 engagements. Besides tagging two other fabulous ladies from our team who had also retweeted the same Jen Grygiel tweet, the Periscope hashtag had been gaining attention as well. The quote tweet of the Periscope link to our ridiculous video created a lot of attention that day. Plus, Jen Grygiel has a loyal following, especially to watch her students make complete fools of themselves.
See that dark blue #Monday cross off? That means I completed day 8 of my fitness plan
#mondaymotivation #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/BapbNtq2cP
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 2, 2015
This tweet had many aspects to why it was a big engager. Tracking the hashtag “Monday Motivation” will also pull through as a winner because it is always used, week after week, and everyone wants to see something positive and motivating on the least motivating day ever. This photo also helped with the engagement, because it was bright and pretty and told a story in itself (my life, on a gigantic calendar). I also found that using a highly influential and trending emoticon helped gain this tweet 201 impressions and 10 engagements.
Honored to be the Assistant Director of HR for @HillCommPR at @prssanc this year! Very proud of our account teams! Go Orange
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 7, 2015
This tweet was super duper exciting. We were at PRSSA National Conference and had just won the award for Best Campaign of 2014-2015 for It’s On Us SU. I had posted this right after tweeting a picture of the award at conference, and the sequential tweeting definitely helped. The handle for PRSSA National Conference also helped with the attention because everyone was using it during school roll call that morning. The oranges were a nice touch too. This tweet got 184 impressions and 11 engagements. Whose house? Newhouse.
Super proud of @HC_Batt and the launch of her personal #fitness blog! I am very honored to have worked with her to make it a success! #NHsmc
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 9, 2015
Everyone loves encouragement and love! This tweet was to Helena Battipaglia, a fellow friend and NHsmc-er, to encourage her about her new fitness blog. We had just launched the page and Professor Grygiel let her speak about it in class, which is why our classmates liked this tweet. It was fresh in their minds and she had been doing such a great job in promoting the website. Speaking of, check it out! Commit to fit, why don’t’cha? This tweet had 676 impressions and 13 engagements.
Hey that's me! Hey that's me reppin' for @NewhousePR at @prssanc in #Atlanta amongst the great PR pros! #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/NlKcz0Z62f
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 9, 2015
Again, conference was such a huge hit for my engagement and follower count. The photo was definitely a title safe image, which made it easier for my followers and engagers to know exactly who I am and what I am doing with my life (being awesome at conference, duh). For public relations practitioners, #Atlanta was trending and the National Conference handle was hot. This tweet had 185 impressions and 14 engagements from influential people. Woo! Plus, it was full of positivity!
.@Bloomingdales, here is a great next step: https://t.co/NpRgoXGbg8 Take it. #ItsOnUs #Bloomingdales #NHsmc
— Courtney Inbody (@ckinbody) November 16, 2015
Lastly, this Tweet was a hit. Not because of the engagements, as there were only 28, but with the impressions. The number wasn’t super high, but it was high for me! At 258 impressions, I can only attribute that to the controversy around Bloomingdales that day with all of the backlash from their holiday ad. The handle and hashtag had gotten a lot of attention that week, and so did the It’s On Us tag because of that national campaign that organization just had with Joe Biden at SU as well. There were 13 detail expands and 9 link clicks to the It’s On Us website, which was great awareness for a fantastic cause.
And that is how my semester ends, not with a fizzle, but with a bang. I hope you like my tremendous 10 too.