Top 10/Influencer

Over the course of the semester, my social presence grew. I went from 248 to 264 followers, and my Klout score rose from 33-40. If I could only take two things away from this class, I will always remember the importance of good hashtags, and making sure that more of my tweets have content in them (be that media or a link). Hashtags are the most important. In order to get your engagement numbers up, you have to make your tweets available to a wide audience. I normally used hashtags like #Arsenal, #wcw, and #socialmedia. All of those hashtags are followed closely, and are guarantees to get impressions. Those hashtags also led to my greatest increase in followers, because they show that you have an interest in that topic. People follow people who share their interests. Those are the two types things that did the best, and that isn’t a surprise because they make tweets the most interesting. Anything that I used that was only straight text with the class hashtag, got little to no engagement and didn’t interest new followers.


Here are my top 10 tweets:

I used this tweet to promote the research my group did for a project. This tweet got me my most impressions with 1,290, but I only got 6 engagements. I normally got a couple of followers every time I used the #socialmedia. That hashtag is also monitored by people that are very involved with social media, and they are the most likely to engage. I used the #sysomos because because I wanted to attract an audience that used that software.

This was my viral content challenge card. It had 12,068 impressions and 317 engagements. When I did the analytics part of my project, I saw my followers tweeted a lot about music. I also knew that my top two followers were into hip-hop music, so I was trying to capitalize on a popular meme.

In this tweet I got 401 impressions and 59 engagements. I knew that my friends here at school would like this tweet because it involved them. I also learned over the course of this semester that pictures really drive engagement. My most engaging photos were those with pictures.

This tweet had 421 impressions and 102 engagements. This was the highest engagement for a tweet that I didn’t paid for. I’ve said before that taking candid shots of my girlfriend is one of my favorite things, and I thought I could combine that with the popular #wcw. Anytime I mentioned Liz, I normally got a retweet from her, and that allowed all of her friends to see the picture as well.

Nothing says spring break to me other than going home for some of momma’s home cooking. This particular delicacy is probably my favorite thing my mom cooks. This tweet got 391 impressions and 60 engagements. My strategy here was to send out a picture of really good food, because that normally garners a reaction. Just look at how popular Tasty has become. This was kind of like that, but on a smaller scale.

I had to use a unique hashtag, and I took the opportunity to use a popular southern saying. Where I’m from people are always say that something is the best on this side of the Mississippi. Once again, anything I post of Liz drives engagement, and this was no different. I also got engagement from one of her coaches who liked my tweet. For this tweet I had 512 impressions and 80 engagements.

As I’m sure you saw this year, I like to tweet a lot about Arsenal. Since Arsenal is based in England, Twitter really shrinks the globe so I can communicate with my fellow fans. We’re a pretty miserable bunch since we haven’t won a title 12 years, and people tend to pour their hearts out on Twitter. Twitter is also the best source to get news from overseas. I used this opportunity to put all the accounts that I check on a daily basis into one, that way my fellow fans can see the people that I keep up with. For this tweet, 323 impression and 25 engagements. Looking back though, I should have used #Arsenal for more engagement.

The majority of my followers are my age, and I think everyone can admit to catching a case of senioritis. This tweet got 512 impressions and 38 engagements. I wanted to produce content that my followers could relate to, and this accomplished that goal.

We’re in the midst of an election cycle and that means that all your annoying friends are posting political stuff everywhere. PFTcommenter is one of my favorite columnists because he focuses on political and sports satire. I think the way he writes is very clever, and his work always makes me laugh. I thought this would be a more light-hearted story and may get people to laugh a little bit at the election. The biggest mistake I had here was not including any political hashtags. This tweet got 166 impressions and 16 engagements.

One of my first tweets for this class. Everyone has seen a bulletin board, and it’s one of the original forms of social media. I wanted to capture some IRL content, and I thought this would be a good kick-off to my semester in social media class. This tweet had 570 impressions and 40 engagements.

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