Trying To Go Viral During COVID-19

Recently, I have heard many of my friends and family members discussing that they haven’t been able to find toilet paper in any of the supermarkets or stores. One of my friends even went to a local convenience store and said they were selling a six-pack of toilet paper for $22. After that conversation, I saw online how people were complaining how essential items were out of stock at all stores across the country. That made me think lets meme this.

Campaign Objective

To get at least 300 views on Imgur of the meme that I created.

Imgur View Count

I received 1325 views on my meme. Exceeding my objective by over 1000 views throughout the duration of the campaign.

Campaign Analysis

The way I reached 1,325 views on my meme was primarily by using trending hashtags on Twitter and by directing my family and friends to my tweets. By researching the trending hashtags at the time, I was able to see a steady incline of 200 views an hour within the first couple of hours after my first tweet. In addition, sharing my meme on Facebook was a big success. From analyzing the post on my timeline, old friends and family shared my post, which resulted in higher click through rates and brought more traffic to my post. One of my cousins even reposted it in a Washington D.C. group which definitely helped my engagement. On the other end of the spectrum, I hit a small hiccup on Facebook, when I posted my meme in a Long Island Price gouging group. It took three days for the post to be approved which pushed my marketing timeline back a few days. That could have hindered my success on Facebook, because the post wasn’t actually posted at a peak shoping hour when people could have been looking at the group. However, I still had great engagement on Facebook. In addition, I added a GroupMe post into my editorial calendar during the marketing campaign in order to reach a greater college student audience. That post in a Syracuse Meme sharing group resulted in 68 likes on GroupMe and helped me drive greater traffic to my meme on Imgur. Overall, I believe that by sharing my meme on multiple platforms it allowed me to broaden my audience and cross promote my meme which brought me more views on Imgur. To conclude, I was very happy with the success of my campaign, as I beat my objective by over 1000 views on Imgur.

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