By Rachel Viggiano (SYRACUSE) As social media continues to generationally expand throughout our culture; Interests in content are becoming more diverse as our eclectic society jumps onto the social-media bandwagon. Being a person with many interest, i’ve tried to make my “voice” on Twitter as eye-catching as possible to various types of people. And from what i’ve gathered, i’ve reached a very hungry, dog-loving, entertainment/media thriving, collegiate demographic. That of which is all I could have ever hoped for in a following! Without further a due, here are Twitter’s Top Ten of my tweets:
Who say's you can't still have fun with #PBandJ even if you're allergic! #NHsmc
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 4, 2016
Starting with the least popular, this tweet elicited 141 impressions as seen below, which means that many people had viewed the tweet. I believe what helped this interaction was incorporating the link to Professor Grygiel’s account, which periscoped a PB and J making competition. Her following is very large so I believe that helped the success of this tweet.
9. From there, I decided to begin engaging other Twitter handles, so that their followers would be more drawn to my content. I also began using more hashtags that I found relevant. Thus giving us not just impressions, but 7 engagements and link clicks to my twitter card.
@GoodMorningAmerica Remember the #pumpkincorgi? here's the next best thing! #meme #DogTalk #NHsmc #2isBetterThan1
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 10, 2016
I wish I was this spoiled…. #Dog #meme #DogTalk #viral #NHsmc #2isBetterThan1
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 11, 2016
I did some research on the word “viral” and how it related to social media, turns out #viral on twitter really augments a tweets chances of going viral or getting more impressions… we’re getting somewhere here!
LIVE on #Periscope: And this is where the art of #broadcast begins! #TV #news #NHsmc #newhouse
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 11, 2016
Utilizing periscope allows a follower to see “behind the scenes” of your life’s daily occurrence. This alone can entice someone to want to engage. I also #Newhouse, which reaches out to not just syracuse prospects, but to students and alumni as well.
@TMZ as certain as I am that this is true.. Re-wording the structure of this tweet headline might help it make more sense #NHsmc
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 20, 2016
I believe this tweet got 214 impressions because it was a response to a popular gossip publication in relation to a popular TV show. Most likely, tagging TMZ and responding to them guided the viewers of this tweet to my response.
5. Because this tweet is on my top 5, it makes me strongly believe that people are more drawn to social media that reflects the person that they follow: Me! Posting a picture and making myself vulnerable to my flaws I believe gave my followers more insight into the type of person that I am!
I'm not much of a girly-girl, but the bow felt GREAT and personally, I think I'm eclectic enough to rock it! #NHsmc
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 4, 2016
In the words of @LadyGaga "hold your head up and be strong." Together, lets end this. #ItsOnUs #StandStrongSU #NHsmc
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 11, 2016
This tweet was one that obviously hits close to home. Not only did I hashtag a very prominent and well known campaign, but I also tagged a very famous celebrity who people adore for many reasons. Anyone who searches her, or this campaign on twitter would be drawn to my tweet because of this.
Literally crying at the fact that @robkardashian and @BLACCHYNA are #engaged and is changing her name to "Angela" kardashian #
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 6, 2016
Again, tagging celebrities or engaging with other handles will obviously develop more of an engagement. But honestly, anything with the name #Kardashian will cause an uproar in various opinions and engagement. Impressions on this came out to be 354… thank you #robkardashian
I wonder what warrants this in a dog's world…#DogTalk #puppies #meme #NHsmc #viral #2isBetterThan1
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 10, 2016
I’m honestly surprised that this wasn’t my top tweet. I thought with 11 likes and two retweets from strongly followed dog twitter accounts would elicit more impressions. I guess relating dog interactions to human encounters wasn’t good enough for the hungry american….
My fave pizza is #cheesepizza @laraalkarim @cnpierleoni @amy_kawata
— Rachel Viggiano (@Rachel_Viggiano) April 4, 2016
Here lays the #1 Tweet in my account! With 617 impressions, 25 views on the video, and 29 engagements; a girl surfing on an inflatable pizza singing about how it needs some ranch, obviously takes the cake.
And seriously…who doesn’t like #cheesepizza.