Viral Content Challenge: Expectation vs Reality

In high school I worked at my local Jamba Juice, where my supervisor used to make me stand outside the storefront in a banana suit. I’ve always gotten a kick out of this, so I decided that I might as well meme about it. I used the pretty familiar “expectation versus reality” style meme that is often used on the internet to depict unfortunate situations in a lighthearted way. It’s relatable because everyone has those times when they think they’re looking great but in reality they look pretty silly.


I feel like my social media pages are a very honest but thoughtful way of presenting myself, especially after reviewing them in class. I don’t take myself too seriously, which is why I think trying to make a picture of myself go viral would work really well on my social pages.



Overall, I think my campaign did very well. I think that affective and relatable content was what worked best for my campaign; having a story to go along with the picture itself make it more accessible for a broader audience. Also, posting midday worked better for me than my late afternoon/evening posts.



I received 4 up-votes and 910 views on Imgur over the course of 12 days. On Twitter, my campaign in total received 94 engagements (aka clicks) from the promoted cards plus another 127 organic engagements. It saw campaign engagement rate of 12.91%; my campaign easily surpassed my goal of 30 engagements.


One thought on “Viral Content Challenge: Expectation vs Reality

  1. Hi Jessica, I thought this meme was hilarious! Its very retable and I have seen this “expectation vs. reality” trend on Instagram before. You received a lot of engagement from your promoted tweets which is great.

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