Viral Content Challenge Results

In this Viral Content Challenge, I learned a few important things. First, I found that using Twitter Advance Search works wonders, and I also found out how to use Twitter Ads. The objective for this challenge was to create a post that “could go viral” and to get as much engagement as possible in a set time frame.

I created a physical card that relates to SU and used the popular SU hashtag #IBleedOrange for my post that can be found here.

For my Twitter Ad, I posted it on April 23, and received 3.25K impressions. I used 2 twitter cards and on the first one I received 49% engagement on it, and the second one received 63% engagement.

Overall, I received 59 engagements on my Imgur post, which I am satisfied with. This taught me a lot about how to handle twitter analytics and engage with audiences. It is not enough to just send out your post; rather, you must have a carefully constructed plan to have online audiences interact with your posts.


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