Viral content – Social addicted

My viral content challenge had 2 objectives:

  • Engagement for my page
  • Increase my followers.

My Imgur content is:


To promote my twit I used a web card:

The results were surprising!

I think that what worked in my campaign was the content which related to most of my target audience. I talked in a sarcastic way on the way it influences our mood, especially in the morning. The content success is also demonstrated by the comments on Imgur, when people share their feeling about their feelings.  however, I think that I should be more specific next time when I define the audience, for example, I think that international student would understand and relate the post more than other, because of the different of the hours  with their home, they wake up with more expectations of “home messaging”. so maybe this could improve my engagement. In addition, I think that the frequency of the promotion should be higher in order to gain more engagement.

My final engagement number of Imgur and Twitter is:

Imgur 555 views. 10 comments.

twitter: 1195 views.  25 engagement.

Total: 1750 views. 35 engagement.


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