What personal growth looks like in Twitter form

In just a few short months, my ability to manipulate social media has grown to include practice with a wide array of platforms, tools and skills. I’ve demonstrated my ability to create and market different social media techniques, and I’ve used my own personal growth to learn from my mistakes.

In general, I’ve seen how I have personally grown in this course through self-teaching of a variety of course assignments. I’ve practiced patience, worked through frustration and bounced back from failures.

For the Viral Meme Challenge, my original meme was not able to reach 500 views to go viral. After trying numerous techniques to gain more engagement, each with a little success, I decided to switch my meme last minute. I applied everything I learned from my challenge with the first meme and created one that reached almost 3,000 views in a couple of hours. I persevered, which is the basis for any analysis and marketing of social media.


On Twitter, my influence has grown from starting with 0 followers, to ending with 26. This was a 100 percent increase, as I started a new Twitter account for this course. Most of these followers included my classmates from #NHsmcspring2018, but I also gained followers who engaged in some of my top posts. Those posts are listed below, and I point out the ones I gained followers from. I think I could have gained more followers by following more people my self, and tweeting at more users.

My beginning Klout score was 24, and my ending Klout score was 27. I believe this increase was from my use of diverse media and increase in followers on Twitter over time. The engagement on my top posts were pretty good, so this added to slight increase. I believe I could have done better with my clout by engaging more of my audience.

The techniques that worked for increasing my influence and network included adding rich media, like hashtags, emojis and photos. Some of my best work that had the most engagement had even more unique media like gifs, links to click on and detailed photos of documents that a user would need to read closely. These types of media really hook my audience and intrigues them to read the text of the tweet.

Some of the techniques I tried, but didn’t work to help me increase my network and influence included creating memes that didn’t relate to a large amount of people. My best memes and gif played to a larger audience and were positive in nature. The tweets that made that were mostly text, with maybe only one hashtag, tended to do a lot worse in terms of impressions and engagement. This platform really relies on rich media to engage people, which I believe I have demonstrated efficiency by the end of the course.


The following is a collection of my top tweets which demonstrate my use of a variety of social media techniques. Through my use of social listening, rich media and trial-and-error, I have developed a portfolio of my best tweets.


Impressions:  143  Total engagements:  1  Likes: 1   Engagement rate: 0.7%

This was a fun post that I made in response to getting a reply back from @imgur about the meme I created on their website for the Viral Meme Challenge. Even with the engagement from this tweet and from the @imgur audience, I was unable to get the amount of viewers I needed for this first meme I created.  This had really low engagement, so if I went back, I’d add a gif with this tweet to get more engagement.

Impressions:  187  Total engagements:  7  Media engagements:  1   Likes: 5    Hashtag clicks: 1  Engagement rate: 3.8%

This tweet was an on-the-spot tweet I created as part of a social movement campaign I made with a group in one of our classes. The call-to-action, along with the matching picture is what helped get this picture into my top tweets. We created our own hashtag, #earthdayrebirthday, which was cool technique to try out.

Impressions:  190  Total engagements:  4  Media engagements:  2    Likes: 1   Hashtag clicks: 1 Engagement rate: 2.1%

This is one of my favorite tweets, even though it’s not in my top 5 tweets for engagement. I really like the subject, which was very timely when this tweet was created, I utilized Tweetdeck to schedule this tweet and I took a screenshot of the statement, which was important for people to see. I was surprised I got so many impressions on this tweet, but I shouldn’t have been since I used social listening to understand what my audience would be looking for during the hearings.

Impressions:  197  Total engagements: 5   Media engagements: 3  Likes:  2                      Engagement rate:  2.5%

This is a typical dog picture which always does well on social media platforms. I used the #dog hashtag and the dog emoji which elevated this post just enough to get into my top tweets. The unique dog picture helped gain the impressions, but a better one would include his actual face.

Impressions:  213  Total engagements:  9  Media engagements:  5   Hashtag clicks: 4  Engagement rate:  4.2%

I utilized the famous #TBT hashtag with a spin for #Tuesday. This cute picture of my twin and I was perfect for twin emoji. I think my unique #taketwotwins hashtag that I created generated some hashtag clicks, which is cool. This was a unique assignment that really helped me think about using creative hashtags for future social media marketing.

Impressions:  258  Total engagements:  11  Detail expands: 8  Replies: 1  Likes:  1  Retweets:  1  Engagement rate: 4.3%

This is the only post I’m including that is mostly text. I tweeted directly @ScribblePug, which had liked and retweeted a previous post of mine about dogs. They were my most influential follower and they actually replied back to me with recommendations to adopt my own pug! It was awesome to se direct engagement from a follower and it showed how powerful connection over Twitter can be.

Impressions:  273  Total engagements:  16  Media engagements:  9   Link clicks:  2                     Detail expands: 2    Likes:  1  Profile clicks:  1  Hashtag clicks:  1   Engagement rate:  5.9%

Since I tweeted directly at my professor, I believe this post did better in terms of engagement. All of the words that are easy to read and in bright colors, just like text in Snapchat, are engaging for my audience. I think this did well with the followers from my class due to the unique assignment of #IRL social media.

Impressions:  334  Total engagements:  16  Media views: 50  Detail expands: 5  Replies: 1              Media engagements:   4  Likes: 3   Retweets:  1  Hashtag clicks:  2  Engagement rate:  4.8%

I’m happy that this post got so many impressions and media views. This was the first gif I ever made and it really got me excited about creating different types of content for social media. This is one of my highest engagement rates, which I attribute to the gif that’s funny and matches the mood of the tweet. My opinion, coupled with the gif that shows what I’m feeling is pretty relatable.

Impressions:  462  Total engagements:  8  Media engagements:  5   Link clicks:  1    Likes: 1 Retweets: 1   Engagement rate:  1.7%

This tweet gained so many impressions due to the timeliness of the Florida high school kids taking action against current gun laws, or lack thereof. I think my use of a trending hashtag and a link to the article gave a good call-to-action for this controversial topic.

Impressions:  464  Total engagements:  25  Media views: 11  Detail expands: 9                       Media engagements:  8   Link clicks:   7   Likes: 1    Engagement rate: 5.4%

I think the fact that this video actually showed me in it, along with some of my classmates who are my followers, really upped the engagement on my second most popular tweet. The link clicks, detail expands and engagement rate were some of my highest due to the nagging video. The unique periscope feature may be new to some people and cool to see for other who have used the platform before.

Impressions: 667   Total engagements:  17  Media engagements:  7   Link clicks:  6    Likes: 2 Retweets:  1  Hashtag clicks: 1   Engagement rate: 2.6%

My top tweet was the one that I promoted through a Twitter Ad campaign. This actually received less engagement than my second highest tweet, even though it gained more impressions. I think this highlights how I needed to switch this meme for a more viral one that reached a larger audience.


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